production risk mitigation

production risk mitigation

Risk mitigation is defined as taking steps to reduce adverse effects. However, these events are predicted to occur more frequently in Africa, particularly in East and Southern Africa (IPCC, 2019). About The Client. It may be argued that deferring decisions is never desirable because to do so might delay the project, but this is a fallacy of deterministic thinking. 3:267. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00267, Tisdell, C. A., and Leung, P. S. (1999). (2010), for instance, showed that cover crops can decrease NO3-N leaching by approximately 3662%. For example, Barange et al. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No. countries) where meat consumption is high. Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one. Finally, a judgment about the extent of the mitigation measures implemented was made based on the available data. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. For example. doi: 10.1080/13657309909380228. Received: 22 September 2020; Accepted: 18 February 2021; Published: 12 March 2021. Farmer's perception of climate change and responsive strategies in three selected provinces of South Africa. Int. Hydrocarbon exploration is a high risk investment and risk assessment is paramount for successful project portfolio management.Exploration risk is a difficult concept and is usually defined by assigning confidence to the presence of the imperative geological factors, as discussed above. Summary of the various elements of climate change and their effects on aquaculture production. Food Syst., 12 March 2021, View all doi: 10.1007/s10113-014-0670-4, Lorenzen, K., Ainsworth, C. H., Baker, S. M., Barbieri, L. R., Camp, E. V., Dotson, J. R., et al. No. Food security, particularly access to dietary protein, is increasingly being threatened by the predicted effects of climate change (Kandu, 2017). Where fencing is impractical, provision of water troughs may help to reduce the time livestock spend near streams (Byers et al., 2005). This chapter discusses the importance of risk mitigation planning and describes approaches to reducing or mitigating project risks. Take your buildings into the future with end-to-end open solutions that empower occupants, inspire confidence and help you create positive business outcomes. Conversely, cold water diseases, such as vibriosis and winter ulcer that affects Atlantic salmon may gradually become extinct due to the emerging unfavorable conditions (Sae-Lim et al., 2017) which may favor the production of this fish species. Identify alternative mitigation strategies, methods, and tools for each major risk. In 1994, a UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction was convened to bring together government officials, non-governmental experts and other specialists, in order to discuss preparation, response, and mitigation measures to face the 1088. VGREEN (2012). Research suggests that complementary policies, such as emissions targets and carbon pricing, provide opportunities to reduce GHG emissions. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. B. (2017). Recent estimates by IPCC (2019) show that agriculture, forestry, and other land uses contributed about 13% CO2, 44% CH4, and 82% N2O emissions from anthropogenic activities for the period 20072016, accounting for 23% of net anthropogenic emissions of GHGs. Diversifying livelihood sources is extremely useful, especially in some regions or countries where fish production is predicted to decline, while agricultural production is expected to increase (Blanchard et al., 2017). [14]:5 Approximately 3.3 to 3.6 billion people live in contexts that are highly vulnerable to climate change in 2021. New insight into global blue carbon estimation under human activity in land-sea interaction area: a case study of China. Ecol. Climate Change Impacts on Florida's fisheries and aquaculture sectors and options for adaptation, in Florida's Climate: Changes, Variations, and Impacts. Climate risk insurance is a type of insurance designed to mitigate the financial and other risk associated with climate change, especially phenomena like extreme weather. Adhikari, S., Keshav, C. A., Barlaya, G., Rathod, R., Mandal, R. N, Ikmail, S., et al. Res. Some of these important risks cannot be adequately characterized, so optimal risk mitigation actions cannot be determined during project planning. Despite, there are countless cases of near misses even under good conditions and when a whale was seen well in advance (e.g., Ritter, 2010b). doi: 10.1007/s10499-017-0120-7, Stewart, H. A., Aboagye, D. I., Ramee, S. W., and Allen, P. J. Although aquaculture activities, such as power input, transport, and feed production are considered the main pathways of the sector's contribution to GHGs (Cochrane et al., 2009; Adhikari et al., 2018; Barange et al., 2018), the sector's contribution is rather relatively small despite being significant when compared to other food production sectors (Barange et al., 2018). Mitigation measures include those that instigate better management of existing resources/inputs, apply amendments to decrease losses, and mitigate losses after they have left the field. However, the higher salinity effect has been strongly correlated with aquaculture production systems in downstream regions of coastal areas (Nguyen et al., 2018). Rev. Climate change, socio-economic and production linkages in East Malaysia aquaculture sector, in 2012 International Conference on Future Environment and Energy IPCBEE, Vol. World Seas: an Environmental Evaluation (Second Edition), Weimerskirch, Brothers, & Jouventin, 1997, Weimerskirch, Capdeville, & Duhamel, 2000. If the project is about developing a new product, and competition presents a risk, then one solution might be to accelerate the project, even at some. Similarly, taxation or levying is a form of top-down regulation imposed by government that uses relatively basic economics to sway or encourage stakeholders in a certain direction. To enhance DOEs risk management efforts, the department asked the NRC to prepare a summary of the most effective practices used by leading owner organizations. Moreover, the integration of indigenous knowledge with scientific knowledge may be one of the most powerful tools for strengthening other adaptation strategies, despite having been overlooked (Kettle et al., 2014; Belfer et al., 2017; Lesperance, 2017; Makondo and Thomas, 2018). How should the costs of water quality and the delivery of water-related ecosystem services be reflected in food and fiber prices? High-impact, low-probability events must be mitigated by reducing the impact or the likelihood, or both. Besides, aquaculture activities in coastal areas bring social and environmental benefits that may be affected both directly and indirectly by rising sea levels thereby affecting the production and sustainability of the sector. Off the east coast of the United States, there are seasonal speed restrictions in place for North Atlantic right whales in accordance to the species occurrence during north- or southward migration (Conn & Silber, 2013). However, risk mitigation activities may differ from other project activities in that there may be some uncertainty about whether the selected risk mitigation strategies will workthat is, the activities may be contingent on whether the risk mitigation strategies are effective. For example, failure to acknowledge the fact that climate change will affect the producers differently based on their specific region, environment, knowledge regarding climate change, population, community dynamics, economic conditions, and present industry (Marshall et al., 2009). Rome: FAO, 166 pp. Aquac. In that sense, shipping operators should be encouraged to maintain slow steaming as often as feasible. It leads to increased risk of disturbances through storms, fire, pests and diseases with implications for forest growth and production. Trawl and longline fisheries have been the focus of most efforts to tackle bycatch, and have well-established best practices in mitigating bycatch through the Seabird Bycatch Working Group of the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (e.g., ACAP, 2016). Furthermore, Rodrick (2008) observed that variations in salinity may affect the immune system of oysters, particularly the ability of hemocytes (blood cells) to resist foreign bacterial invasion. (2005) reported increased mortality in juvenile clams, while (Rodrick, 2008) reported increased susceptibility to bacterial invasion in oysters at lower water salinity. (2016). 2013, 318327. Hence, there is always a necessity for such measures to be based on sound scientific studies and robust data. Res. Risk resulting from climate change and affecting natural and human systems and regions, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, "Advances in risk assessment for climate change adaptation policy", "Assessing and Managing the Risks of Climate Change", "North Atlantic Current variability through marine isotope stage M2 (circa 3.3 Ma) during the mid-Pliocene", "Global trends in climate change litigation: 2019 snapshot", "Transition risk framework: Managing the impacts of the low carbon transition on infrastructure investments", "Climate Change: Managing a New Financial Risk", Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Mitigation and adaptation may help prepare the farming communities, ecosystems, and populations, in general, to build resilience and deal with climate change as effectively and efficiently as possible (Zolnikov, 2019). (2010). Delaying commitment to a single strategy or solution by carrying alternative optional strategies until sufficient information becomes available to resolve the uncertainty is an example of the use of options as a form of managerial flexibility. Few fisheries have the competition for licenses that permit strong regulations, as in CCAMLR (CCAMLR, 2016), but novel approaches, including electronic monitoring (Papworth, 2013), may help to reduce the dependence on onboard observers. 7.1 Introduction. Risk avoidance is probably underutilized as a strategy for risk mitigation, whereas risk transfer is overutilizedowners are more likely to think first of how they can pass the risk to someone else rather than how they can restructure the project to avoid the risk. Sci. Case Study: Corporate Industrial Campus Flood Risk Mitigation. Increasing options and decision points is a valid risk mitigation strategy for project owners. (2019). Handisyde et al. 6:292022. doi: 10.1088/1755-1307/6/29/292022, Asiedu, B., Malcolm, D., and Iddrisu, S. (2019). World Aquac. The overload effect caused by rain or water is due to water accumulation in lower areas of the roof. Aquaculture continues to significantly expand its production, making it the fastest-growing food production sector globally. Feed production in aquaculture is particularly seen as the sector's major contributor to GHG emissions (VGREEN, 2012). Climate Change Implications for Fisheries and Aquaculture: Summary of the Findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report. A., Modise, D. M., and Marr, A. Production risks: Production shortfalls can result from direct or indirect climate risks, i.e., This page was last edited on 25 October 2022, at 09:33. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-01213-7_1, Cooley, S. R., Lucey, N., Kite-Powell, H., and Doney, S. C. (2012).

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production risk mitigation