aquarius monthly horoscope 2022

aquarius monthly horoscope 2022

You are more intense in your mood and disposition, and perhaps even secretive, at this time of year. Mars Retrograde October 30, 2022 Violence, Solar Eclipse October 25, 2022 Satisfaction, Aries Full Moon October 9, 2022 Love and Friendship, Saturn Sextile Ascendant Natal and Transit. You are all the more attractive and charming with this position, which increases your popularity. Freedom and change are the watchwords this month and the unexpected is what you can expect. Although approachable and ready to communicate, you are less inclined to chat about frivolous matters now. The Highlights section reveals lunar cycle dates. Your attention turns inward, as well as to close personal relationships on a deeper level. The time is being truly generous, and you deserve it. During this cycle, your ideals in love are set high. Money matters improve in November. The Sun continues to highlight your solar eighth house. You may decide to employ more strategy or to think ahead before jumping in. Surprises surrounding your siblings, neighbors, or classmates are in store. You may have to snap yourself out of a dreamlike trance in order to uncover the Start every month off right with a glimpse into your next four weeks! You can feel a strong need for a change of scenery or mental refreshment! Your love life may step up a notch, and this could be an especially passionate time. The horoscopes are divided into three groups or decanates, and the differences between the groups are subtle in parts and large in other parts. advertisement. Your creativity is flowing freely and leading you to new ideas and potential projects. There can be a change of heart, or you could be questioning what you've been pursuing in love, and a new approach becomes necessary. Professionals Aquarius professionals who own communication-related businesses may thrive. Your optimism and creative passion will also benefit from a significant boost, though you should continue to pace yourself until Mars heads direct once more.Standout days: 14, 15, 20Challenging days: 5, 6, 10. But if defeat and disappointment get the better of you, it might be time to reassess your goals. You may experience some ups and downs, especially with superiors and authority figures. For those who prefer a whole sign approach to horoscopes (classic), simply read the first decanate regardless of your birthdate. Welcome to the monthly horoscope for Aquarius. You want to shine! By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. A lack of superficiality finds you straight to the point, interested in the truth of things. You deserve to speak your truth! You are more stimulated by all that is unconventional during this cycle, and your ideas are original and progressive now. November 2022 Horoscope: Aquarius. You may feel a little restless if you don't find ways to explore. By superstition, waiting for your projects . In September, romance and emotional uplift will come to you this month . Aquarius You have decisions to make about your career, rank, social status, academic career or unpaid work, from the final week of October. Desires can be hard to read for existing relationships - both yours and those of a lover. Aquarius October 2022 General Horoscope. Desires for increased freedom of movement and thought are strong. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure. This is a good time for relationships, travel, education, business, and legal matters. On the 23rd of November it changes into the sign Sagittarius and forms a favorable extile, with the effect that very strong vital forces will come from the . There may be a strong focus on other's money, such as the resources of a partner, inheritance, banking and loans, or taxes. Jupiter wont return to this portion of your chart until 2033, so use its presence to build your sense of security and plan for the future. While new months can hold new energy, transits dont abruptly change because the calendar month changes. People who turn your head during this cycle are those who come across as especially competent. See also general trends for Aquarius in 2022. This is a good eclipse for starting new relationships and asking for favors. Getting closer to the 7 th, there will be a certain situation becoming changeable, so you need to make a decision or choice, either about work or about love. This is because new information that could change our perspective often is revealed in the week after the eclipse. Friends bring more happiness into your life, perhaps because they're more receptive or available. You tend to think about your position or standing on a professional level more frequently during this cycle. Clear all doubts, remove all worries, and just go with the flow. If youve been waiting on making a big purchase like a car or home, now may be the time you finally go all in on that investment. Your wait to be a mother may be fulfilled this year. A stronger sense of community is with you during this cycle. You could also enjoy a trip, or a new adventure of sorts. Missing appointments and other forms of forgetfulness could be part of the picture now. You tend to think about your position or standing on a professional level more frequently during this cycle. This is a cycle in which you seek to expand your experiences and awareness, whether through philosophical thinking, higher education, travel, or simply activities that take you away from your everyday routines. In fact, you are attracted to anything that is non-routine and fare best when you are reaching out beyond your usual bounds. The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar ninth house now. The performance of most of them is likely to be below average. The Full Moon in Aries on October 9 is all about learning new and valuable information. By the time Saturn leaves in March, you will be ready to embark on the journey ahead, but not before having spent much of the last three years in the kind of bootcamp that has brought you back to your . Last month forced you to step up to a new level of commitment and control powerful urges. Venus continues to move through your solar eighth house during this period. Previous hard work will be rewarded with achievement, recognition and promotion. Your November Monthly Horoscope: If, in November, you climb to the height of your inner wisdom and extend the arm of your personal . There could be waning interest in a hobby or a return to an old one. Satisfaction and fulfillment during this cycle come from doing your professional best, shining as a responsible and capable person, and contributing to the world in practical ways. Youll feel more sociable and can expect good relations with everyone. If your work involves, communication, or media, you could be showcasing some of your skills in a team meeting or at a convention. aquarius october 2022, aquarius october 2022 horoscope, aquarius october 2022 predictions, aquarius october horoscope. You can also get the support of a family member in your work. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan. For example, the Sun might transit the seventh house of your solar chart from July 22 to August 22, so that you will find a similar interpretation for this transit in both July and Augusts horoscope. According to the Aquarius November 2022 horoscope, patience will be needed on November 6th, 15th, and 24th. Your ideas may come into public view now. Take extra care with your words and try not to react too quickly in any arguments or if provoked. You could also enjoy a trip, or a new adventure of sorts. Your competency is something that you are especially sensitive to during this cycle. In both cases, proper guidance and assistance is a need that you can get from the monthly . There is absolutely no need to suspend projects already in progress. It is easy for you to give and receive love and affection. The following day on October 19, the Sun and Venus, both in Libra, have a tense conversation with Pluto in Capricorn. The Sun illuminates your sector of friends, groups, and dreams coming true this month. Not content to focus on mundane, practical affairs just now, your mind turns to bigger visions, thoughts, and ideals. You might be attracted to people or even objects that are exotic or different in some way during this cycle. Anything that broadens your experiences attracts now. Improving your domestic life or living conditions can be a priority, even if it seems you don't have the time to do so. You are attracted to the deeper elements of relationships and social interactions now, rather than what you meet on the surface. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year aheadover 100 pages longfor a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more. If you know your birth time, but dont know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here. November 19, 2021, to April 30, 2022 Lunar Eclipse November 2021 square your decan exposes negative emotions, habits, and outdated automatic reactions that you are usually not conscious of. There can be considerable excitement about a special topic, and others are highly interested in what you have to say, teach, or share. It's a good period for personal charm and attractiveness in general. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy. Venus graces your solar tenth house now. Previous hard work will be rewarded with achievement, recognition and promotion. This is a time for patience, self-discipline and maturity. If youre an artist, writer, designer, or creative of any sort, some of your work may be drawing the right kind of attention! This could manifest, for example, as the culmination of a project on the home, an event involving a family member or parent that grabs your complete attention, a flurry of activity in your home that demands attention, and other such possibilities. Mercury transits your solar tenth house. Best Times for Business Success, Good Luck, and Romance & Sexuality. Your energy is strong, open, and friendly right now, you come across well to others, and you are a little bolder and adventurous than usual. Aquarius horoscope October, 2022. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. These don't have to happen now, but taking the time to recognize your needs for escaping the daily grind, taking a few risks, and feeding your spirit for self-expression through some form of adventure or higher learning, will help you to feel good about yourself. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for December 2022. November will be a favourable month for the Aquarius natives, but you will specifically have to take care of two things- your health and your house. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort. Learn all about the signs of the zodiac. Desires can be hard to read for existing relationships - both yours and those of a lover. Sharing your thoughts with others is a prime interest. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure. Prime Day's Coming Back So Peep These Beauty Deals. birth chart reports, relationship reports, future forecasts, and more. Remember that if you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. Your responsibility and authority are likeable qualities now, making this a favorable period overall for schmoozing with those in a higher position than you, as well as for negotiations or social activities related to business. However, some will be less successful than others. The planetary alignment offers a chance to get to know yourself more deeply and find that all-important emotional harmony. You might have a chance to receive acknowledgement or praise for your work or good character now. You may feel renewed by a new perspective on your life, something philosophical or spiritual that you read or learn, or an adventure that takes you away from the mundane routines in your life. Though youll still be busy with your occupational agenda, some light flirting online can help break up each day. Your sector of communications is involved. There is absolutely no need to suspend projects already in progress. Good condition of your body will be affected by frequent relaxation and meditation, and after the 19th of November new vital forces will appear that will ensure your health and perfect well-being. November 25, 2022, to March 12, 2023 Saturn in your decan again represents a culmination of years of effort and striving toward your goals. Those who want to work abroad may succeed. It is easy for you to give and receive love and affection. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for November 2022 Aquarius November 2022 Horoscope reveals that you have a chance to make something great of your life with your talents and skills this month. December 13, 2022, to February 23, 2023 Jupiter sextile your decan again is a time of happiness and optimism when good things will seem to come more easily. In your enthusiasm to take the lead, try to be sensitive to and respectful of others' needs. As November advances, energy shifts toward happiness goals--Venus, Mercury, and the Sun head into your social sector on the 16th, 17th, and 22nd, respectively! You will automatically get effective solutions for every problem that you are facing in life, according to the Aquarius monthly horoscope 2022 predictions. See also general trends for Aquarius in 2022. Subscribe to my free monthly newsletter and your monthly horoscope will land in your inbox at the beginning of every month (sign-up box on the right). It's a time when being a team player reaps the most rewards, and you may be mixing business with pleasure now. You are inclined to take a broader look at things now, rather than concentrate on the details. Dont be afraid to rely on technology to keep your relationships alive and thriving, especially once Mercury enters the sign of the Archer on November 17.Major shifts will come into play once Sagittarius season emerges on the twenty-second, providing you with an opportunity to restructure your life to include more socialization. Any investment that you make this month may not be as profitable as it should be. New adventures will expand your horizons and broaden your outlook on life. Changes related to your private life are also coming. It's a sociable sector of your chart, and that's exactly how you are feeling--happy, light-hearted, cosmopolitan, and social. Youre more curious than ever, and its likely that the pile of books on your nightstand is growing sky high. We offer interpretations of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Ascendant in the signs: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces, Filed Under: Aquarius Monthly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes Tagged With: aquarius, Aquarius Horoscope, Monthly Horoscope, October 2022. You're tapping into your ambitious side! Landing support from authority figures is easier at this time. This also marked the beginning of the end of a visit that began in 2020, with the hard taskmaster of the cosmos and your ruling planet . It was on 23rd October that Saturn not only turned direct in Aquarius but ended his first retrograde phase in your sign for another three decades. Mercury is transiting your solar eleventh house. Mars animates and energizes your solar fifth house. Aquarius November 2022 Monthly HOROSCOPE November 2022 General The month of November will possibly show some positive changes in the life of Aquarius sun sign born. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for May 2022, Astrology Forecast. Refocusing, backtracking, and review become necessary and recommended now. Aquarius. Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year. There can be opportunities to advance your career interests, improve your standing, or reach a goal you've set for yourself. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free! Mercury, the messenger of the zodiac, will turn direct, which is this month's main event. Something that has been in hiding or brewing under the surface of things comes to light, or there is a significant fruition or culmination. The reformative Aquarians could be informative. Either way, you know that wisdom and clarity comes when you absorb new life experiences. You can also expect to dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past. Fortunately, Jupiter's direct turn after four months of retrograde motion increases your confidence and joyyour general outlook and stores of optimism strengthen. Their superiors may appreciate them. What is Astrology? Until then, your responsibilities to the outside world are more prominent. Live Support (9:30 AM - 6:00 PM IST) If a romance were to begin now, it is more likely to be with someone of a different background or educational level, or someone you meet through travel. March 25 to April 6 Venus in your decan is the best time of your Aquarius 2022 horoscope for your love life. Aquarius will start implementing previously arranged plans. You speak with authority during this period, and you are more accountable than usual for what (and how) you communicate. We offer interpretations of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Ascendant in the signs: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces, Filed Under: Aquarius Monthly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes Tagged With: aquarius, Aquarius Horoscope, Monthly Horoscope, November 2022. Youre ready to see new sights and book some life-changing travel. This can be a determined and personally powerful time of year if you apply the energy of this transit constructively. November 2022 - Finding a balance between work and play might be a tall order this month, dear Aquarius, as the sun, Mercury and Venus travel through the sector of your chart that governs career ambitions. Sun: Strong Forces at the End. Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. Aquarius Financial Horoscope April 2022. Love outlook for the year ahead. Get to your authentic self with the guidance of a psychic advisor. Venus moves into Scorpio on 11th November 2022. Occurring in your solar fifth house during this period, enthusiasm for romance or creative project could wane perhaps due to setbacks or stalling. This is also a good time for sorting out finances, particularly money shared or coming from other sources other than your own personal income. Venus graces your solar ninth house during this period. Aquarius October 2022 Monthly Horoscope. We are not going to lie, the month ahead comes with its fair share of intense aspects! That favors clarifications and honest discussions about what each partner feels and desires. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Be careful not to burn the candle at both ends. A love interest who attracts you during this cycle may be somebody who you previously wouldn't consider attractive, or someone whose cultural background is very different than yours. It's a good time to analyze your work tasks and to streamline them or improve your skills. Instead of simply shooting the breeze, you are more inclined to discuss broader philosophies now. Lunar cycles repeat themselves approximately every 28 days, so it is normal to see the same lunar peaks, such as Your Personal New Moon and Monthly career peak repeat themselves from month to month, but with different dates. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Always be ready to embrace change because the world is changing. The Sun lights your solar eleventh house. There could be especial rapport with foreigners and with women if you are traveling during this period. romantic compatibility reports, includingthe Synastry and Love Ties reports. It's also a strong cycle for discovering your own hidden talents as well as fascinating things about a partner. Gemini October. You are likely thinking a lot about your career and business matters, or your career requires more communication than usual during this cycle. These monthly horoscopes also include an overview paragraph, as well as other energies specific to the month, such as retrogrades, eclipses, or major outer planet transits. It's an excellent period for looking at your life from a different perspective--a broader one--whether you initiate this process or you make contact with others who stimulate you to think about your circumstances differently. Monthly Horoscopes 2022 Aquarius Monthly Horoscope (January 20 - February 18) By The AstroTwins Published: Oct 31, 2022 Aquaris Daily Horoscope Aquaris Weekly Horoscope MONTH OF. To discourage reporters, the US military uses boring slides in Power Point on purpose. More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your "place" or standing in the outer world, and your reputation. Business negotiations will be in a state of flux. A partial Solar Eclipse occurs on October 25th: A general rule of thumb regarding eclipses is to avoid major decision-making in the week before and after an eclipse. Cooperation and help will be crucial. You are more aware of subtleties and nuances during this cycle, and you can use this increased insightfulness to improve your life. Youre on the launchpad and your passion project may be about to take off! A spiritual download could also arrive as you find yourself feeling more in tune with the universe. In the subsequent month, people who are looking for a job will be successful. General. This also marked the. They serve as a helpful guide to cycle peaks in different areas of life, such as financial, career, romance, and partnership. You are changing; a comfortable situation comes into your life, even if you doubt you will get evidence around December 11th. There could be waning interest in a hobby or a return to an old one. They serve as a helpful guide to cycle peaks in different areas of life, such as financial, career, romance, and partnership. The Sun illuminates your career and reputation sector. Your ideas may come into public view now. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort. Libra October. Being more sensitive to the moods of partners, family members and close friends will help avoid such emotional drama. Your responsibilities to others can sometimes complicate the freedom and mobility you crave, but you're easing into a more performance-oriented phase of the year. Aquarius Horoscope Predictions for 2022 Finally, the third planet that ends its retrograde in October is taskmaker Saturn, which has been retrograde in your sign, Aquarius, since June.. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope by Maria DeSimone October 2022: The cosmos is bringing you an eventful month when it comes to your work situation. It is easy for you to give and receive love and affection. With this turn in direction occurring in your resources sector, you have good reason for more confidence with money, resources, and talents in the weeks ahead. Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts.

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aquarius monthly horoscope 2022