cracked tooth syndrome crown

cracked tooth syndrome crown

Cracked tooth syndrome (CTS) involves a partial fracture of a tooth in which the dentin is damaged. The cracked tooth syndrome can be identified with the tooth sleuth. in 1957. Trauma, for example, a fall or a sports injury. Effective management and good prognosis of cracked teeth is linked to prompt diagnosis. There are many different causes and types of cracks that can occur in your teeth, so we'll explore some of that as well as what your treatment options are. Recurrent occlusal adjustment of restorations due to discomfort may also be indicative of CTS, alongside a history of extensive dental treatment. Some cracks affect the pulp: the center of the tooth, where the nerves and blood vessels are. If you think you're experiencing cracked tooth jaw pain see your dentist immediately. It can appear as a line that crosses the tooth crown and can extend to the roots. Other times, it can cause your tooth to break or split. Remember, ignoring the pain in your mouth or tooth isnt a treatment plan. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Crowns can add strength to the tooth, protect it from further damage and . Cracked tooth and a split tooth may be differentiated by periodontal probing. [33], Use of clinical microscope (16) provides an ideal magnification level for the evaluation of enamel cracks, with a range from 14 to 18. Although the tooth is not separated into pieces, the crack unfortunately cannot be filled with merely a filling. These include: Tooth infection - also known as a dental abscess. This occurs when the crack extends into the root of the tooth beneath the bone. Cracked tooth syndrome (CTS)[2] is where a tooth has incompletely cracked but no part of the tooth has yet broken off. However, this changes drastically when the crack is subjected to the stress of dental treatmenttreatment that either may or may not be related to the crack. The crown also kept the fracture from expanding and contracting, which . Patient's consent is mandatory for excavation as it is not guaranteed that a fracture will be seen beneath the removed restoration. Bridge Types in Dentistry: Pros & Cons of Each Type, 6 Tips for Teaching Dental Hygiene to Preschoolers. Hypersensitivity to cold may occur due to the seepage of toxic irritants through the crack. Cracked teeth is a severe fractures that impact the pulp of the tooth. Cracked teeth treatment rationale and case management: Case reports. A crack that penetrates into the dentin of the tooth will cause a disruption in the light transmission under these circumstances. Dentin and Pulp in Restorative Dentistry; pp. This helps in accurate identification of the involved cusp. Cracked tooth syndrome starts with the development of cracks in the teeth that are too small to appear on a dental x-ray. Cooley RL, Barkmeier WW. This is an indication of a cracked tooth into the deeper second layer of the tooth, the dentin. However, it is not always readily apparent. tooth pain symptoms that can last for months but are not consistent. Fortunately, root canals and crowns may help treat severe cases of cracked teeth. Protect the damaged tooth from further damage. Incidence, clinical findings and treatment. Request An Appointment Symptoms of a Cracked Tooth [7] The disadvantage of this technique is that it takes at least 25 days to be effective and may require placement of a provisional restoration. The application of a sharp straight probe to the margins of the heavily restored tooth (suspected to have an incomplete fracture) may evoke sharp pain, thus indicative of the presence of underlying crack. [2], Transillumination is an important aid in diagnosing the cracks, whether it is an incomplete crack (as in cracked tooth syndrome) or a complete vertical root fracture. Brnnstrm M, Astrm A. mentioned in their review on cracked teeth. call us now for booking an appointment at (713) 322-8442. Cracked tooth syndrome is known to occur most frequently in heavily restored teeth. This helps to isolate the fractured cusp. [1] This activates A-type nociceptors in the dentin-pulp complex, reported by the pulp-dentin complex as pain. al. Endodontists are specialists in saving teeth. Lubisich EB, Hilton TJ, Ferracane J, Northwest Precedent. The pain is often inconsistent, and frequently hard to reproduce. If you are experiencing tooth pain when biting down, it is best to consult your dentist to determine the cause and find a solution. Cracked tooth syndrome. Cracked Tooth Syndrome in an Intact Premolar syndrome (CTS) is described as an incomplete fracture of a vital posterior tooth involving enamel and dentin and possibly the dental pulp Anubhuti Singh Follow MDS Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Advertisement Recommended Cracked Teeth : management of longitudinal fractures Mostafa ElShirbeny Tactile examination with a sharp probe may also aid diagnosis. The cracked tooth syndrome: Additional findings. Other clues evident on examination include the presence of facets on the occlusal surfaces of teeth (identifies teeth involved in eccentric contact and at risk from damaging lateral forces), the presence of localized periodontal defects (found where cracks extend subgingivally), or the evocation of symptoms by sweet or thermal stimuli. Where the fracture does not extend far subgingivally, it is often possible to restore the tooth without crown lengthening . The crack may involve either the entire root or only a portion of the root [Figure 1e]. Many authors suggest removing existing restorations and stains once the tooth has been localized to further aid in the visualization of the crack. [6], There is no universally accepted treatment strategy, but, generally, treatments aim to prevent movement of the segments of the involved tooth so they do not move or flex independently during biting and grinding (stabilisation of the crack) to prevent propagation of the crack. If there is pain on biting or release of biting pressure, it is indicative that the cusp is cracked. If the crack splits the tooth into two pieces, putting a crown on the cracked tooth may not be possible, and extraction is recommended. "Rebound pain" i.e. Gentian Violet or methylene blue stains can be used to highlight fracture lines. The symptoms of pain occur when the tooth is flexed in just the right (or wrong as the case may be) direction and it elicits a feeling of sharp pain. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. This hollow metal or porcelain tooth covers the broken or cracked tooth. If you know what to look for you can catch it early for an easier fix. Tooth pain is usually caused by tooth decay, gum disease, or a damaged tooth. First, transillumination dramatizes all cracks to the point that craze lines appear as structural cracks. Patients with a previous incidence of CTS can frequently self-diagnose their condition. You may notice problems with There are a number of benefits to a dental crown for your broken tooth, including: Strengthen weak teeth such as teeth with root canal treatment. An inexpensive device for transillumination. Liewehr FR. [26] However, a long time (at least 25 days) is needed to be effective and may require placement of a provisional restoration. [2] The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the diagnosis of CTS. A split tooth is indicative of a crack extending through both marginal ridges usually in a mesiodistal direction splitting the tooth completely into two individual fragments. Brannstrom M. The hydrodynamic theory of dentinal pain: Sensation in preparations, caries, and the dentinal crack syndrome. Cracked tooth syndrome: Diagnosis, treatment and correlation between symptoms and post-extraction findings. determined that which teeth fracture more often? Restorative treatment for the cracked tooth. Shamimul Hasan, Kuldeep Singh, and Naseer Salati. Trp JC, Gobetti JP. The patient when asked to bite finds a great reduction in discomfort as the material acts as a splint. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. Restore the appearance of your damaged tooth, which can improve your smile. You see, the biting forces cause the tooth segments to spread apart and sensitize the deeper tooth structure containing the nerve fibers. The crack can sometimes be small and harmless. Received 2011 Dec 1; Revised 2012 Jan 2; Accepted 2012 Jan 26. Your Trusted Source for Dental Health Information, composite bonding is suitable for replacing a missing tooth. Call us today at (646) 386-2028 to schedule an appointment and learn more. However, sometimes the affected teeth may display hypersensitivity to cold stimuli due to the presence of pulpal inflammation, a feature that may help to confirm a diagnosis of CTS. Recurrent debonding of cemented intracoronal restorations such as inlays may indicate the presence of underlying cracks. The possibility of CTS must always be considered when a patient complains of pain or discomfort on chewing or biting. Banerjee S, Mehta SB, Millar BJ. Pain on biting that ceases after the pressure has been withdrawn is a classical sign. . You do not need to get hit to develop this crack. If you experience no significant pain while wearing the temporary, your permanent crown will likely be successful. The term "syndrome" refers to the association of several clinical signs (discovered by a doctor) and symptoms (reported by a patient), which often occur together. Because the signs and symptoms vary in cracked tooth syndrome, diagnosis actually pinpointing the problem tooth (or teeth) can be difficult. developmental conditions/anatomical considerations. [2], A thorough and detailed dental history may help in eliciting certain distinct clues. At times, a crack may extend into the pulp or root under the . Teeth that are more sensitive to pressure. The reported symptoms are very variable,[2] and frequently have been present for many months before the condition is diagnosed. Cracked tooth syndrome, was defined as an incomplete fracture of the anterior molar, and it was considered as one of the major causes of tooth loss in adults [1,2]. Pain when eating or drinking sugary substances. However, transillumination may cause cracks to appear enlarged as well as causing colour changes to become invisible. CTS can be quite painful, with the degree of discomfort dictated by the depth and size of the crack and the affected tooth's location. A fractured cusp may break off under slight pressure with no further mobility. Yet another reason to seek early treatment. An endodontist will determine the correct course of treatment. Another disadvantage is difficult esthetic restoration. In the 1960's and 1970's Cameron et. [18] Pain may be elicited by the consumption of sugar containing substances,[19] and also by the act of tooth grinding or during excursive mandibular movements. We may be able to help save your cracked tooth. Clark DJ, Sheets CG, Paquette JM. Depending on the severity of the crack, your dentist will determine the best treatment option for you. This may weaken the tooth integrity and further spread the crack. Habits that might contribute to cracked teeth are clenching or grinding, chewing ice, pen, hard candy, or other similar objects. Depending on the severity of the crack, your dentist will determine the best treatment option for your case. Cracked tooth syndrome patients often have a sharp pain when consuming hot or cold food & drinks but no crack is visible on x-rays. Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional feeling which is associated with actual or potential injury of tissue or expressed in terms of such injury. Tooth pain usually refers to pain around the teeth or jaws mainly as a result of a dental condition. You may notice problems with While the placement of copper rings and stainless steel bands have been suggested to be a clinically effective, minimally invasive and a cost effective immediate treatment modality for teeth. Detailed history and thorough clinical examination may help in establishing a correct diagnosis and hence that an appropriate treatment plan can be instituted. Swelling indicates that the crack has injured the tooth pulp, leading to infection of the pulp. If untreated, CTS can lead to severe pain, possible pulpal death, abscess, and even the loss of the tooth. Part 1: Aetiology and diagnosis. mandibular teeth fracture more often than maxillary teeth. Bite tests can be performed using orange wood sticks, cotton wool rolls, rubber abrasive wheels such as Berlew wheels, or the head of number 10 round bur in a handle of cellophane tape. Cracked teeth may need to be repaired with a crown or root canal. Cracked teeth treatment rational and case managemet: Case reports. Sometimes exploratory excavation may be needed to obtain a visual diagnosis. A diagnostic x-ray is necessary. There are two drawbacks to using transillumination without magnification. A cracked tooth can be caused by several factors, including: If you have a cracked tooth, you should visit your dentist to assess the tooth and determine the right treatment option is suitable for you, such as putting a crown. Fractured cusp:This kind of crack generally occurs around a dental filling causing minor pain. Learn more about causes, symptoms, & treatment options. In this case, the tooth may be fixed with a crown, also known as a cap. [4] Cameron in 1964 coined the term cracked tooth syndrome. Here, the signs and symptoms were not apparent, and the teeth showed painful response to cold or pressure applications and became necrotic, however, the pulp and periodontium were apparently healthy. The majority of cracked teeth (about 9 out of 10) can be treated by placement of a crown (cap) on the tooth. They recommend placing composite resin over the tooth without etching and bonding. Tooth sensitivity can be a consequence of gingivitis, gum recession, cavity decay, or simply a result of consuming acidic food. Upon review, following a period of 24 weeks after the application of immediate splint, the absence of pain has been described to indicate not only a correct diagnosis but also successful immobilization. If you have this type of infection, your dentist will want to treat it as quickly as possible so . There may be a history of parafunctional habits (clenching or grinding, chewing on hard objects). Cracked tooth syndrome. Ehrman et al. Teeth affected by the condition may be seldom tender on apical percussion. Your dentist can help you determine the best course of action by using dental x-rays. While common in adult teeth, they cause no pain, are very shallow, and dont require any treatment. There are many different types of cracks in teeth, but like most conditions severity and treatment go hand-in-hand. Cracked tooth is defined as an incomplete fracture of the dentine in a vital posterior tooth that involves the dentine and occasionally extends into the pulp. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. . They are used to restore the shape and function of teeth and to protect weak or sensitive teeth from further damage. [5] Aetiology of CTS is multifactorial, the causative factors include: Most commonly involved teeth are mandibular molars followed by maxillary premolars, maxillary molars and maxillary premolars. Clinical examination may also reveal the presence of wear facets on the occlusal tooth surfaces (identifies teeth in eccentric contact and at risk from damaging lateral forces), occurrence of localized periodontal defects (where cracks extend subgingivally) or the evocation of symptoms by sweat or thermal stimuli. Cracked tooth syndrome symptoms are varied and can be irregularmaking cracked teeth challenging to diagnose. Infection in the gums can damage the tooth-supporting tissues, causing tooth loss. Cracked tooth syndrome ( CTS) [2] is where a tooth has incompletely cracked but no part of the tooth has yet broken off. In this blog post, we will discuss what is the benefits of putting a crown on a cracked tooth and the alternatives. Oblique root cracks:The damage occurs below the gumline, most commonly in the jawbone. According to Clark and Caughman,[37] the prognosis of cracked teeth can be excellent, good, poor, and hopeless. The problem is that the tooth usually looks fine both clinically and radiographically, yet the patient experiences sharp pain upon biting, although he/she isn't sure exactly which tooth hurts. The ePub format uses eBook readers, which have several "ease of reading" features That means that it is time to give your dentist a call and make an appointment. Studies have also found signs of cracked teeth following the cementation of porcelain inlays; it is suggested that the debonding of intracoronal restorations may be caused by unrecognized cracks in the tooth. The crack may be small and not visible to the naked eye, but it can still cause pain or sensitivity. See your dentist as soon as . Vitality tests are usually positive. The use of rubber plungers of anesthetic carpules suspended from a length of floss can be used in a similar manner as that of cotton rolls. Tooth Pain Reason. In that case, the tooth will need root canal treatment. Trushkowsky R. Restoration of a cracked tooth with a bonded amalgam. 5. Most Important Cracked Tooth Symptoms. Here are the best ways to get temporary relief until you can see a dentist. We are experimenting with display styles that make it easier to read articles in PMC. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. An endodontist may be able to save a portion of the tooth depending on the position and extent of the crack. Conditions that may be misdiagnosed as a cracked tooth involve the following: Acute periodontal disease, reversible pulpitis, dentinal hypersensitivity, galvanic pain, postoperative sensitivity associated with microleakage from recently placed composite resin restorations, fractured restorations, and areas of hyperocclusion from dental restorations, pain from bruxism, orofacial pain, or atypical facial pain. Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, KSR Institute of Dental Science and Research, KSR Kalvi Nagar, Thokkavadi (Po), Tiruchengode, Namakkal (Dt), Tamil Nadu, India, 1Department of Prosthodontics, KSR Institute of Dental Science and Research, KSR Kalvi Nagar, Thokkavadi (Po), Tiruchengode, Namakkal (Dt), Tamil Nadu, India. The use of rubber dam enhances the probability of visualizing these cracks by isolating the tooth, emphasizing the crack with a distinct background, keeping the area saliva free, and reducing peripheral disruptions. Dental crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, gold, and metal alloys. The absence of heat-induced sensitivity may also be a feature. Often times, the pain comes and goes, and you and your dentist may have a hard time figuring out which tooth is causing the problem. People who also grind or clench their teeth can also develop this dental issue. Treatment for tooth pain will vary depending on the underlying cause. This is a tooth with a crack that travels from its surface to below the gum line. Fortunately, root canals and crowns may help treat severe cases of cracked teeth. Cracked teeth from grinding during sleep or due to stress and anxiety may call for wearing a retainer or mouthguard while you sleep. the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. It is also important to note that there can be instances when the patient may also remain asymptomatic for a long period. Cracked Tooth Syndrome is a dental condition characterized by symptoms of sharp pain on chewing without any visible reason, which is actually caused by a 'hidden' crack of the tooth. Prediction and prevention. [ 1] The patient will give a history of pain on biting on a particular tooth, often occurring with foods that have small, discrete, harder particles in them, for example, bread with hard seeds or muesli. Ellis SG, Macfarlane TV, McCord JF. Cavities can be treated with fillings, while gum disease may require more . Turp JC, Gobetti JP. Chong BS. An inexpensive device for transillumination. "Cracked teeth" or "cracked tooth syndrome" has for many years been used as a diagnosis for a tooth that often has pain on biting, thermal sensitivity and, at times, even fractures or breaks. [35], Indirect diagnostic measures, such as the use of copper rings, acrylic provisional crowns, and stainless steel orthodontic bands, may also be used to detect cracked tooth syndrome.[15]. The partially cracked tooth often hurts so badly because the dentine is exposed, and movement or temperature extremes cause the fluids in the tubules . A crack will block the transmission of light, and structurally sound teeth (including those with craze lines) will transmit the light throughout the crown. Thats what makes cracked tooth syndrome one of the trickier conditions to diagnose. Ritchey B, Mendenhall R, Orban B. Pulpitis resulting from incomplete tooth fracture. There are many causes, including grinding your teeth or having large fillings. Cracked tooth syndrome is a partial fracture or break in a tooth that extends to the dentine and sometimes the pulp. [8] According to Luebke, fractures are either complete or incomplete, although, other terms such as split-root syndrome, hairline fracture, hairline tooth fracture, enamel infraction, crown craze, craze lines, and tooth structure cracks are also known.[9]. 2012 Aug; 4(Suppl 2): S242S244. [1013] Radiographs tend to be of limited use as fractures tend to propagate in a mesiodistal direction, parallel to that of the plane of the film. All rights reserved. Part 1: Aetiology and diagnosis. Treatment options usually include: If you're in enough pain before your appointment, you can relieve the pain by biting on a clean, moist gauze or cloth. [12] Fractures occurring in a bucco-lingual direction is more readily noticed on radiographs. Abou-Rass M. Crack lines: The precursors of tooth fractures-their diagnosis and treatment. The toothache may sometimes be the result of radiating pain from structures in the vicinity of tooth and jaws (cardiac pain, ear, nose, throat pain, and sinusitis). Incomplete tooth fracture. The entire condition can be . Plus, theres a large range of symptoms and severity. Hiatt WH. Fracturing of teeth is a poorly understood process and finding fractures or cracks in teeth is often an observation and not a diagnosis . Tooth Slooth II (Professional Results Inc., Laguna Niguel, CA, USA) and Fractfinder (Denbur, Oak Brook, IL, USA) are commercially available tools. The purpose of dental crowns is to strengthen and improve the appearance of teeth. Dental crowns can be made . The structural integrity can be weakened by this method, leading to crack propagation. Cracked tooth syndrome Incidence, clinical findings and treatment. a sharp pain on biting or chewing, possibly with the release of biting pressure. Cracked tooth syndrome, abbreviated to CTS for short, is a condition in which a patient has a crack in their tooth that is too small to be seen on an X-ray.Alternatively, the patient's tooth may have a crack that is difficult to locate due to it being under the gum. This article provides a detailed literature on the causes, classification, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment planning of cracked tooth syndrome. Geurtsen showed that excessive forces applied to a healthy tooth or physiologic forces applied to a weakened tooth results in an incomplete fracture of the enamel or dentine.[11]. "[1], "Cracked tooth syndrome. 2015 Sep-Dec; 5(3): 164168. Because the root-call treated tooth lacks the blood flow that healthy natural teeth still have, the crown becomes brittle and more likely to crack easily. Your dentist can place a new filling or crown to protect the damaged tooth. If composite bonding doesn't work or isn't a great choice, a dental crown may be recommended. The purpose of dental crowns is to strengthen and improve the appearance of teeth. Oral Health, Dental Conditions & Treatments, Pain when chewing or rebound pain when you release the pressure from biting down, Sensitivity to extreme hot or cold temperatures, as well as sweetness, Erratic pain that only occurs when youre aggravating the cracked tooth, Swelling of the gum around the cracked tooth, If it goes on too long, youll find the pain no longer comes and goes but hurts consistently, A cracked tooth may be repaired by a filling or a crown depending on what portion of the tooth that is damaged, A root canal treatment procedure may treat the tooth, The tooth may be extracted if the cracks are below the gumline. In this case, the tooth may be fixed with a crown, also known as a cap. Liu HH, Sidhu SK. Most of the time, the crown will hold the tooth segments together to prevent that same sharp painful stimulus. Cracks can appear or be identified as: Craze lines:Show up as very small cracks in the outer enamel. The tip may catch in a crack. Confirmed diagnosis of cracked tooth syndrome on posterior teeth. Cracked teeth typically do not heal on their own and typically require some type of dental procedure to fix the breakage or prevent said issue from expanding into a bigger problem. Several classifications have been proposed based on: (a) The type or site of the crack, (b) the direction and degree of the crack, (c) the risk of symptoms, (d) pathological processes. You can still enjoy your favorite foods like popcorn or nuts, just use common sense and dont bite down hard. Cracked tooth syndrome is a common and well-documented entity in the clinical practice. Dr. Anton Diy, our gentle dentist in Lincoln, NE, explains what cracked tooth syndrome is and whether or not . Oblique subgingival cracks:These do extend below the gumline, and the teeth can be painful. The best option would be to reinforce a dental crown to prevent the crack from expanding. Specific procedures a dentist might employ include root canal, crown insertion or bonding. The tooth often has an extensive intracoronal restoration. A split tooth will show mobility with wedging forces and the mobile segment extends well below the cemento-enamel junction. Culjat MO, Singh RS, Brown ER, Neurgaonkar RR, Yoon DC, White SN. The material is added and wrapped across the external line angles that act as a splint. If you suspect you're suffering from cracked tooth syndrome, these are common symptoms: Can a cracked tooth cause jaw pain? In spite of CTS being a diagnostic challenge, having knowledge and awareness of CTS should enable the dental practitioner to detect the same, thereby preventing further crack propagation and complications associated with crack propagation. When the bite is released the "segments" snap back together sharply increasing the pressure in the intradentin nerves causing pain. When the fractured portions of the tooth move independently of each other, it causes sudden movement of fluid present in the dentinal tubules. the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. Swelling may be tender to the touch, and heat and redness are also possible. . If the crack is small, you may only need bonding to fill the crack. The cracked tooth syndrome. Root canals and crowns are available at West Loop Smile Studio in Chicago and the surrounding area. Homewood CI. Teeth that cause cracked tooth syndrome usually have fractures that are too small to be seen on X-rays. I treated a patient today with cracked tooth syndrome due to an incomplete crown fracture that occurred last Friday evening after the patient was clenching overnight. Contents 1 Classification and definition 2 Signs and symptoms 3 Pathophysiology According toMedical News Today, cracked tooth syndrome can be caused by an injury to your mouth or biting down on an unexpected piece of hard food. Two main disadvantages of using transillumination without magnification are: (a) Transillumination dramatizes all cracks to the point that craze lines appear as structural cracks. Habits such as clenching, grinding, and chewing on hard objects subject your teeth to . Definitive options include:[8], Teeth originally presenting with CTS may subsequently require Root Canal therapy (if pain persists after above) or Extraction, The term "cuspal fracture odontalgia" was suggested in 1954 by Gibbs. Thus, diagnosis can be time consuming and represents a clinical challenge. This tooth may require endodontics (root canal therapy) before the crown is placed. One definition of cracked tooth syndrome is "a fracture plane of unknown depth and direction passing through tooth structure that, if not already involving, may progress to communicate with the pulp and/or periodontal ligament."[1]. Long vertical craze lines usually occur in anterior teeth [Figure 1a]. They are usually seen in heavily restored teeth, causing unsupported cuspal enamel [Figure 1b]. [1] Subsequently, the term "cracked tooth syndrome" was coined in 1964 by Cameron,[2] who defined the condition as "an incomplete fracture of a vital posterior tooth that involves the dentin and occasionally extends into the pulp. When performing transillumination, the biting force is released, the submitted dental must! The outer enamel such cracks give a typical bone resorption surrounding the fracture propagates the. Attention and dont bite down on cotton rolls and then a crown to prevent them the of Spread apart and sensitize the deeper tooth structure the outcome and Naseer Salati Northside! 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cracked tooth syndrome crown