google distributed systems

google distributed systems

A distributed system contains multiple nodes that are physically separate but linked together using the network. A chunk consists of 64 KB blocks and each block has a 32 bit checksum. Chandra and Toueg [Cha96] demonstrate the equivalence of atomic broadcast and consensus. The following steps of a write request illustrate the process which buffers data and decouples the control flow from the data flow for efficiency: The client contacts the master which assigns a lease to one of the chunk servers for the particular chunk, if no lease for that chunk exists; then, the master replies with the Ids of the primary and the secondary chunk servers holding replicas of the chunk. Communication and Collaboration in SRE, 33. As weve already seen, distributed consensus algorithms are at the core of many of Googles critical systems ([Ana13], [Bur06], [Cor12], [Shu13]). In practice, it is essential to use renewable leases with timeouts instead of indefinite locks, because doing so prevents locks from being held indefinitely by processes that crash. If the system in question is a single cluster of processes, the cost of running replicas is probably not a large consideration. A tablet can have a maximum of one server that runs it and there may be periods of time in which it is not assigned to any server, and therefore cannot be reached by the client application. These numbers include educated estimates concerning the CPU, memory, storage, and network latencies and throughputs. In general, consensus-based systems operate using majority quorums, i.e., a group of 2f + 1 replicas may tolerate f failures (if Byzantine fault tolerance, in which the system is resistant to replicas returning incorrect results, is required, then 3f + 1 replicas may tolerate f failures [Cas99]). This solution doesnt risk data loss, but it does negatively impact availability of data. If not, the master assumes the servers have failed and marks the associated tablets as unassigned, making them ready for reassignment to other servers. Distributed Periodic Scheduling with Cron, 26. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. It necessitates the extra round trip to execute Phase 1 of the protocol, but more importantly, it may cause a dueling proposers situation in which proposals repeatedly interrupt each other and no proposals can be accepted, as shown in Figure 23-8. Record sets that have at least a few similar fields tend to be called semi-structured, as opposed to unstructured. Using buckets of 5% granularity, increment the appropriate CPU utilization bucket each second. Because this book focuses on the engineering domains in which SRE has particular expertise, we wont discuss these applications of monitoring here. Failures are relatively rare events, and it is not a usual practice to test systems under these conditions. Each of these nodes contains a small part of the distributed operating system software. a similar revolution in distributed system development, with the increasing popularity of microservice archi-tectures built from containerized software components. The system supports an efficient checkpointing procedure based on copy-on-write to construct system snapshots. Googles technology was not open source, so Yahoo and open-source communities developed Hadoop system collaboratively, which is an open-source implementation of MapReduce and GFS. Distributed systems are also used for transport in technologies like GPS, route finding systems, and traffic management systems. Whenever you see leader election, critical shared state, or distributed locking, we recommend using distributed consensus systems that have been formally proven and tested thoroughly. Storage support for data-intensive applications is provided by means of a distributed file system. On the other hand, for a web service targeting no more than 9 hours aggregate downtime per year (99.9% annual uptime), probing for a 200 (success) status more than once or twice a minute is probably unnecessarily frequent. While most of these subjects share commonalities with basic monitoring, blending together too many results in overly complex and fragile systems. Thus, it should not be surprising that a main concern of the GFS designers was reliability of a system exposed to hardware failures, system software errors, application errors and, last but not least human errors. File chunks are assigned unique IDs and stored on different servers, eventually replicated to provide high availability and failure tolerance. Cloud building tools like Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Services, or Azure make it possible to create such systems quickly, and many teams opt to build distributed systems alongside these technologies. Scalability is the biggest benefit of distributed systems. Arrows show the flow of control between an application, the master and the chunk servers. Concepts and Design However, as we scale the system up on the drawing board, the bottlenecks may change. Zookeeper [Hun10] was the first open source consensus system to gain traction in the industry because it was easy to use, even with applications that werent designed to use distributed consensus. If you measure all four golden signals and page a human when one signal is problematic (or, in the case of saturation, nearly problematic), your service will be at least decently covered by monitoring. At Google, we use a method called non-abstract large system design (NALSD). Google utilizes a complex, sophisticated distributed system infrastructure for its search capabilities. In addition to the question being Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, 2. In practice, we approach the distributed consensus problem in bounded time by ensuring that the system will have sufficient healthy replicas and network connectivity to make progress reliably most of the time. We continue to face If a page merely merits a robotic response, it shouldnt be a page. Every page response should require intelligence. It provides fault tolerance while running on inexpensive commodity hardware, and it delivers When pages occur too frequently, employees second-guess, skim, or even ignore incoming alerts, sometimes even ignoring a "real" page thats masked by the noise. An efficient storage mechanism for big data is an essential part of the modern datacenters. The reference model for the distributed file system is the, Energy Efficiency in Data Centers and Clouds, An efficient storage mechanism for big data is an essential part of the modern datacenters. Failure handling: when a tablet server starts, it creates a file with a unique name in a default directory in the Chubby space and acquires exclusive lock. From one record to another, it is not necessary to use even one common field, although Hadoop is best for a small number of large files that tend to have some repeatability from record to record. Natural disasters can take out several datacenters in a region. Column-oriented databases use columns instead of the row to process and store data. No intervention is necessarily required if four out of five replicas in a consensus system remain, but if three are left, an additional replica or two should be added. The main disadvantage to this approach is that space on the distributed file system could be wasted if files smaller than the chunk sizes are stored, although Google argues that this is almost never the case [24]. Replicated services that use a single leader to perform some specific type of work in the system are very common; the single leader mechanism is a way of ensuring mutual exclusion at a coarse level. Another process in the group can assume the proposer role to propose messages at any time, but changing the proposer has a performance cost. Will I ever be able to ignore this alert, knowing its benign? Is that action urgent, or could it wait until morning? So today, we introduce you to distributed systems in a simple way. Record the current CPU utilization each second. Distributed locks can be used to prevent multiple workers from processing the same input file. (In fact Googles monitoring system is broken up into several binaries, but typically people learn about all aspects of these binaries.) Grokking Modern System Design for Software Engineers & Managers. Theres no uniformly shared vocabulary for discussing all topics related to monitoring. The barrier can also be implemented as an RSM. All operations that change state must be sent via the leader, a requirement that adds network latency for clients that are not located near the leader. However, much of the availability benefits of distributed consensus systems require replicas to be "distant" from each other, in order to be in different failure domains. The system was designed after a careful analysis of the file characteristics and of the access models. NALSD describes an iterative process for designing, assessing, and evaluating distributed The Google File System, developed in late 1990s, uses thousands of storage systems built from inexpensive commodity components to provide petabytes of storage to a large user community with diverse needs [193]. The protocols guarantee safety, and adequate redundancy in the system encourages liveness. The Production Environment at Google, from the Viewpoint of an SRE, 15. This perspective also amplifies certain distinctions: its better to spend much more effort on catching symptoms than causes; when it comes to causes, only worry about very definite, very imminent causes. Then the application communicates directly with the chunk server to carry out the desired file operation. In the case of sharded deployments, you can adjust capacity by adjusting the number of shards. Several revolutionary applications have been built on the distributed ledgers of blockchain (BC) technology. Each chunk server is a commodity Linux system. Network Semantics for Verifying Distributed Systems. The GFS has just one master node per cluster. Horizontal scaling means adding more servers into your pool of resources. Proposers can try again with a higher sequence number if necessary. The underlying storage layer might be limited by the write speed of the disks it consists of. Each row range is called a tablet, which is the unit of distribution and load balancing. The Master server manages all of the metadata of the file system, including namespaces, access control, mapping of files to chunks, physical locations of chunks, and other relevant information. Groups of processes may want to reliably agree on questions such as: Weve found distributed consensus to be effective in building reliable and highly available systems that require a consistent view of some system state. The master node also ensures that if a data node goes down, the blocks contained on that node are replicated to other nodes, ensuring the block replication is maintained. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Many systems also try to accelerate data processing on the hardware level. Quorum leases are particularly useful for read-heavy workloads in which reads for particular subsets of the data are concentrated in a single geographic region. Unlike traditional databases, which are stored on a single machine, in a distributed system, a user must be able to communicate with any machine without knowing it is only one machine. The strict sequencing of proposals solves any problems relating to ordering of messages in the system. The Google File System is essentially a distributed file storage which offers dependable and effective data access using inexpensive commodity servers. The semantic model includes of implementation details such as communication powerful composition and abstraction mechanisms, and is protocols and middleware systems. Batching, as described in Reasoning About Performance: Fast Paxos, increases system throughput, but it still leaves replicas idle while they await replies to messages they have sent. In choosing what to monitor, keep the following guidelines in mind: In Googles experience, basic collection and aggregation of metrics, paired with alerting and dashboards, has worked well as a relatively standalone system. Tap here to review the details. The article lists down the lessons learnt by Google Engg. At a basic level, a distributed system is a collection of computers that work together to form a single computer for the end-user. Consensus system performance over a local area network can be comparable to that of an asynchronous leader-follower replication system [Bol11], such as many traditional databases use for replication. The aim for Google publishing these influential papers [63] was to show how to scale-out the file storage system for large distributed data-intensive applications. Both types of alerts were firing voluminously, consuming unacceptable amounts of engineering time: the team spent significant amounts of time triaging the alerts to find the few that were really actionable, and we often missed the problems that actually affected users, because so few of them did. These AIO solutions have many shortcomings, too, though, including expensive hardware, large energy consumption, expensive system service fees, and the required purchase of a whole system when upgrade is needed. The Production Environment at Google, from the Viewpoint of an SRE, 15. This means that an individual node may be unreliable. Latency distributions for proposal acceptance, Distributions of network latencies observed between parts of the system in different locations, The amount of time acceptors spend on durable logging, Overall bytes accepted per second in the system. In addition, the system should have backoffs with randomized delays. Locking or unlocking a mutex (a resource-guarding structure used for synchronizing concurrency) costs about 17 nanoseconds, more than five times the cost of a branch misprediction. Each pair of file servers has one leader and one follower. Chapter 22 - Addressing Cascading Failures, Chapter 24 - Distributed Periodic Scheduling with Cron, Copyright 2017 Google, Inc. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, 2. Doing so prevents the system as a whole from being bottlenecked on outgoing network capacity for just one datacenter, and makes for much greater overall system capacity. In any given cluster of GFS there can be hundreds or thousands of commodity servers, and this cluster provides an interface to n number of clients to either read a file or write a file. Consider the characteristics of applications, support file append operations, optimize sequential read and write speeds. We've encountered a problem, please try again. This limitation is true for most distributed consensus algorithms. TCP/IP slow start is probably not an issue for the processes that form a consensus group: they will establish connections to each other and keep these connections open for reuse because theyll be in frequent communication. 1. The batches of requests in the pipeline are still globally ordered with a view number and a transaction number, so this method does not violate the global ordering properties required to run a replicated state machine. The master periodically checks whether the servers still have the lock on their files. Initial TCP/IP window sizes range from 4 to 15 KB. As previously mentioned, in the case of classic Paxos and most other distributed consensus protocols, performing a strongly consistent read (i.e., one that is guaranteed to have the most up-to-date view of state) requires either a distributed consensus operation that reads from a quorum of replicas, or a stable leader replica that is guaranteed to have seen all recent state changing operations. Distributed consensus algorithms are low-level and primitive: they simply allow a set of nodes to agree on a value, once. As we have seen already, distributed consensus algorithms are often used as the basis for building a replicated state machine. Centralized storage is implemented through and managed by Anekas Storage Service. Summaries of the analytics are likely valuable to the data warehouse, so interaction will occur. The large number of data movements results in unnecessary IO and network resource consumption. Introducing randomness is the best approach. Operations on a single row are atomic, and can support even transactions on blocks of operations. TCP/IP is connection-oriented and provides some strong reliability guarantees regarding FIFO sequencing of messages. The architecture of a GFS cluster; the master maintains state information about all system components. This chapter offers guidelines for what Since some applications need to deal with a large amount of formatted and semi-formatted data, Google also built a large-scale database system called BigTable [26], which supports weak consistency and is capable of indexing, querying, and analyzing massive amounts of data. Besides metadata management, the primary server is also responsible for remote management and load deployment of the tablet server (the general sense of the data server). Although HDFS is based on a GFS concept and has many similar properties and assumptions as GFS, it is different from GFS in many ways, especially in term of scalability, data mutability, communication protocol, replication strategy, and security. All the nodes in the distributed system are connected to each other. Human operators can also err, or perform sabotage causing data loss. Does the system use sharding, pipelining, and batching? Nontraditional relational databases (NoSQL) are a possible solution for big data storage, which are widely used recently. Workloads can vary in many ways and understanding how they can vary is critical to discussing performance. We have designed and implemented the Google File System, a scalable distributed file system for large distributed data-intensive applications. The reference model for the distributed file system is the Google File System [54], which features a highly scalable infrastructure based on commodity hardware. This was asked during the final interview round, and it is a hard question. Distributed consensus algorithms may be crash-fail (which assumes that crashed nodes never return to the system) or crash-recover. Blockchain + AI + Crypto Economics Are We Creating a Code Tsunami? This kind of tension is common within a team, and often reflects an underlying mistrust of the teams self-discipline: while some team members want to implement a hack to allow time for a proper fix, others worry that a hack will be forgotten or that the proper fix will be deprioritized indefinitely. In terms of scalability, they can also use massive cluster resources to process data concurrently, dramatically reducing the time for loading, indexing, and query processing of data. Here, potential bottlenecks might be memory consumption or CPU utilization. Effective alerting systems have good signal and very low noise. A failure domain is the set of components of a system that can become unavailable as a result of a single failure. In the very early days of Gmail, the service was built on a retrofitted distributed process management system called Workqueue, which was originally created for batch processing of pieces of the search index. Monitoring and alerting enables a system to tell us when its broken, or perhaps to tell us whats about to break. 1,961 open jobs for Distributed systems engineer. For example, suppose that a databases performance is slow. Log writes must be flushed directly to disk, but writes for state changes can be written to a memory cache and flushed to disk later, reordered to use the most efficient schedule [Bol11]. Note that in a multilayered system, one persons symptom is another persons cause. For example, "If a datacenter is drained, then dont alert me on its latency" is one common datacenter alerting rule. Everything included in the system will extend the abilities of Google into the datacenters of its customers. Conventional wisdom has generally held that consensus algorithms are too slow and costly to use for many systems that require high throughput and low latency [Bol11]. Piling all these requirements on top of each other can add up to a very complex monitoring systemyour system might end up with the following levels of complexity: The sources of potential complexity are never-ending. Taking a controlled, short-term decrease in availability is often a painful, but strategic trade for the long-run stability of the system. Email alerts were triggered as the SLO approached, and paging alerts were triggered when the SLO was exceeded. Lets go over a few of those perks. Hadoop was inspired by papers written about Googles MapReduce and Google File System (Dean and Ghemawat, 2008). Users process the data in bulk and are less concerned with the response time. This amortizes the fixed costs of the disk logging and network latency over the larger number of operations, increasing throughput. The simplest way to differentiate between a slow average and a very slow "tail" of requests is to collect request counts bucketed by latencies (suitable for rendering a histogram), rather than actual latencies: how many requests did I serve that took between 0 ms and 10 ms, between 10 ms and 30 ms, between 30 ms and 100 ms, between 100 ms and 300 ms, and so on? Distributed Periodic Scheduling with Cron, 26. If web servers seem slow on database-heavy requests, you need to know both how fast the web server perceives the database to be, and how fast the database believes itself to be. Each tablet is assigned to one Tablet server, and each tablet server typically manages up to a thousand tablets. However, this type of deployment could easily be an unintended result of automatic processes in the system that have bearing on how leaders are chosen. Compute-intensive applications mostly require powerful processors and do not have high demands in terms of storage, which in many cases is used to store small files that are easily transferred from one node to another. To recover from a failure, the master replays the operation log. Base paper ppt-. Wenhong Tian, Yong Zhao, in Optimized Cloud Resource Management and Scheduling, 2015. View company reviews & ratings. These databases are available to handle big data in datacenters and cloud computing systems. Conditions Satisfied by the Logical Clock system: For any events a and b, if a -> b, then C (a) < C (b). The memory consumption is from holding an index, and CPU utilization is from performing the actual search. The extra cost in terms of latency, throughput, and computing resources would give no benefit. Managers and technical leaders play a key role in implementing true, long-term fixes by supporting and prioritizing potentially time-consuming long-term fixes even when the initial pain of paging subsides. In contrast, data-intensive applications are characterized by large data files (gigabytes or terabytes), and the processing power required by tasks does not constitute a performance bottleneck. If you run a web service with an average latency of 100 ms at 1,000 requests per second, 1% of requests might easily take 5 seconds.23 If your users depend on several such web services to render their page, the 99th percentile of one backend can easily become the median response of your frontend. A Master server is responsible for assigning tablets to tablet servers, detecting the addition or expiration of tablet servers, and balancing the load among tablet servers. Consider a distributed system in which worker processes atomically consume some input files and write results. Table 1 shows the list of big data storages that are classified into three types. Spanner [Cor12] addresses this problem by modeling the worst-case uncertainty involved and slowing down processing where necessary to resolve that uncertainty. Any operation that changes the state of that data must be acknowledged by all replicas in the read quorum. Built above the Google File System, it is used in many services with different needs: some require low latencies to ensure the real-time response to users, and other more oriented to the analysis of large volumes of data. Fundamental question and answer in cloud computing quiz by animesh chaturvedi, Irresistible content for immovable prospects, How To Build Amazing Products Through Customer Feedback. Most of these systems that support BASE semantics rely on multimaster replication, where writes can be committed to different processes concurrently, and there is some mechanism to resolve conflicts (often as simple as "latest timestamp wins"). Google Megastore [27], however, strives to integrate NoSQL with a traditional relational database and to provide a strong guarantee for consistency and high availability. However, as shown in Figure 23-13, in order to try to distribute traffic as evenly as possible, systems designers might choose to site five replicas, with two replicas roughly centrally in the US, one on the east coast, and two in Europe. As a result of this analysis several design decisions were made: Implement an atomic file append operation allowing multiple applications operating concurrently to append to the same file. At Google, we use a method called non-abstract large system design (NALSD). In such cases, a hierarchical quorum approach may be useful. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Managing Critical State: Distributed Consensus for Reliability, 24. Knowing disk seek times and the write throughput is important so we can spot the bottleneck in the overall system. Use quorum leases, in which some replicas are granted a lease on all or part of the data in the system, allowing strongly consistent local reads at the cost of some write performance. In many systems, read operations vastly outnumber writes, so this reliance on either a distributed operation or a single replica harms latency and system throughput. The second component in big data storage is a database management system (DBMS). In order to maintain robustness of the system, it is important that these replicas do catch up. The Google File System (GFS) is used to store log and data files. The GFS architecture consists of three components (see Fig. If the network is so badly affected that a distributed consensus system cannot elect a master, a human is likely not better positioned to do so. Outages can be prolonged because other noise interferes with a rapid diagnosis and fix. Each chunk server maintains in core the checksums for the locally stored chunks to guarantee data integrity. In the healthcare industry, distributed systems are being used for storing and accessing and telemedicine. Designed by Google, Bigtable is one of the most popular extensible record stores. Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environment: A Comparative Study of Service System models for distributed and cloud computing, A load balancing model based on cloud partitioning, An Efficient Decentralized Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing, Replication in Distributed Real Time Database. Megastore combines the advantages of NoSQL and RDBMS, and can support high scalability, high fault tolerance, and low latency while maintaining consistency, providing services for hundreds of production applications in Google. Priorities like load-balancing, replication, auto-scaling, and automated back-ups can be made easy with cloud computing. They are able to fail independently without damaging the whole system, much like microservices. Fast Paxos [Lam06] is a version of the Paxos algorithm designed to improve its performance over wide area networks. Distributed systems can be challenging to deploy and maintain, but there are many benefits to this design. Over a wide area network, leaderless protocols like Mencius or Egalitarian Paxos may have a performance edge, particularly if the consistency constraints of the application mean that it is possible to execute read-only operations on any system replica without performing a consensus operation. The message flow for Multi-Paxos was discussed in Multi-Paxos: Detailed Message Flow, but this section did not show where the protocol must log state changes to disk. Having clients act as proposers also makes it much more difficult to batch proposals. The Zookeeper consensus service can implement the barrier pattern: see [Hun10] and [Zoo14]. Datastores that support BASE semantics have useful applications for certain kinds of data and can handle large volumes of data and transactions that would be much more costly, and perhaps altogether infeasible, with datastores that support ACID semantics.

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google distributed systems