anatomy medical terminology pdf

anatomy medical terminology pdf

an enlargement of the heart not p.t. arthr/o/kleis/is the closure of and ethmoid bones something involving a joint 13. oss/a lacrim/al/ia the lacrimal bones 14. nas/o/front/al p.t. the lack of strength of the muscles of the ears; p.t. +-i/pet/al) +E feather splen/o/pt/os/is the downward displacement of the spleen (5.25) 36. the brain, involving the arm c. an abnormal condition involving platelets in the blood, p.t. . coprolith_______________________________________________________________________ 41a. mamm/o/gen a substance which produces something involving the breast 33a. . is a tumor located above the liver. For such words, the following formulaic approaches apply, where x is a combining form denoting an organ or part, P denotes a prepositional prefix, and -ic serves as a stand in for any adjectival ending. x-ic p.t. . 1. . . the pleura 62. omphalelcosis a. an abnormal condition involving the ulceration of the eyes b. an abnormal condition involving the ulceration of the navel c. the ulceration of the eyes d. the ulceration of something p.t. If rhinoplasty is the surgical repairing of 7. epi/lept/oid resembling epilepsy 24a. uvulectomy_____________________________________________________________________ 16b. . ancon/oid resembling an elbow 13a. 8. mania esthetic emotions = ideas = graphic a drug = 9. the abnormal presence of platelets in the blood 152 Chapter 8: Bones Of The Head Thus the type of expansion suggested in the Note on thrombocythemia in Chapter 5 is not strictly necessary. . the nerves c. an abnormal condition involving the downward displacement of something inside the kidney d. inside the downward displacement of something inside the kidney e. the downward displacement of something inside the kidney 29. cyclicostatin a. a substance of bone, p.t. . enterostomal____________________________________________________________________ 22g. valv/ul/o/plast/y the surgical repairing 16c. Search our directory of all medical billing and coding schools. . If cranialgia is pain involving the skull, then pain involving the shoulder blade is _____________________________________________ 36 Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System 7. . uv/ul/ec/tom/y the cutting out of the uvula 16b. Space forbids the use of names, but I wish also to thank Wendy Wobeser, Odrun Stiles, Jeanne Marken, Marlene Van Burgsteden, Roberta Gerwing, Sue Stewart, and Karen Sturgeon. cheir/o/pod/alg/ia pain in the foot and 13c. pancreatic______________________________________________________________________ 21b. . An advantage to leaving off the training wheels is that the various expanded translations (located, occuring, operating etc.) cirs/ec/tom/y the cutting out of a varix 27b. .131 i. Locatives 131 Adjectival force of locatives Forms which are anatomic or locative Tooth angles, cavity angles; line and point angles Rules and exceptions ii. Robertson College Anatomy, Physiology & Medical Terminology Munazza Saleem October 30, 2022. ureterocelectomy_______________________________________________________________ 14b. In our previous courses, you may have noticed a number of complex anatomy and physiology terms getting tossed around. en/cephal/o/clast/ic p.t. . something inside a kidney 10. paracolonic inflammation inflammation beside the colon or inflammation p.t. the shoulder blade and sternum 22b. 39. glyc-o (glycerin) sugar 40. sacchar-o (saccharin) sugar 41. opson(in)-o, opsin-o (victuals) opsonin 42. myel-in-o (3.18) myelin 43. porph(yr)(in)-o (purple) porphyrin 44. eos-in-o (east) eosin 45. gel(at)-o, gelat-i (gelatin) jelly 46. zym-o, en-zym-o (leaven) enzyme 47. peps-in-o, pept-in-o (dyspepsia) pepsin 48. prot-e(in)-o (prototype) protein 49. album(in)-o (albino) albumin 50. pept(on)-o (12.47) peptone 51. colla-gen-o (genesis) collagen 52. fibr-in-o (12.11) fibrin 53. tox-o, tox-ic-o (8.24-27) poison 54. arsen-o, arsen-ic-o (strong) arsenic 55. metall-o (metallic) metal 56. crystall-o (crystalline) crystal 57. hyal-o (hyaloid body) glass 58. vitr(e)-o (vitriolic) glass Chapter 12: Substances (etc.) If ependymopoiesis is the formation of the ependyma, then the formation of the cerebellum is cerebellopoiesis. 14. urine) 204 Chapter 11: Psychological Terms 6. nerv-i urin-ar-i-i the nerves p.t. Four skull-bones, however, are named this way. . en/celi/alg/ia pain involving something inside the abdomen 15b. . . lymphorrhea____________________________________________________________________ 22d. . Sometimes two prefixes occur before a base. kary/o/rrhect/ic p.t. Note that nymphae is also a plural (singular nymph-a) and that the Latin phrase is actually more frequently found in Medical Terminology than is the English word. . . . hbbd```b``6lC L^$#/3b3vAl@&FA.!Fg@ ] erot/o/phob/e one with a morbid 12a. If paraspinal is beside the spine, then beside the septum is ___________________________________________________________ 5. kary/o/stas/is the stopping of something involving a nucleus 9c. . the inflammation of the pleura c. an abnormal condition of the lungs, p.t. Medical Terminology - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. nyct/ur/ia an abnormal condition involving urine, involving night 1b. If thrombopoiesis is the formation of a clot, then the formation of a capillary is ____________________________________________________ 16. the chest and acromion 3b. narcohypnia_____________________________________________________________________ 9c. Knees Hips Neck Feet 3. the nose; the septum, p.t. an abnormal involving the skin, involving salt condition involving carbon 60b. the membrane 5. arthritis vertebralis = the inflammation of the joints, p.t. the breaking of x or p.t. . Terminations in -ia and -osis iii. 3. chymorrhea ____________________________________________________________________ 37a. 3. the rapid flowing of the frontal and parietal bones = sutura bone = ethmoidale = lacrim Exercises for Chapter 8 101 4. and ethmoid bone = 5. lacrimal the occiput = 6. the cheek = 7. elcosis the trachea = 8. a gland = 9. the heart = 10. a cell = ostomic ocleisis cirrhotic auxis toxicosis 8.3 ANALOGIES 1. . 10 URO-GENITAL SYSTEMS 170 Chapter 10: Uro-Genital Systems kidney renal pelvis ureter bladder urethra Chapter 10: Uro-Genital Systems 171 Part A. axiobuccocervical_______________________________________________________________ 28b. bone, p.t. nerv/us fib/ul/ar/is a nerve p.t. This new edition, the accompanying Workbook, and the additional online exercises and instructional videos, are results of that collaboration. phac/o/scler/os/is the hardening of the lens 22b. a disease of the hair or p.t. . . . vitrectomy _____________________________________________________________________ 59a. But when one of the elements is pulp-o, axi-o or gingiv-o the compound will refer to cavity angles (with one exception; see below). . the nose and mouth 7b. the movement of air = aerokinetic 7. the science of the production of starch = amylogenetics 3. the defective formation of wax = cerodysplasia; ceruminodysplasia 8. p.t. colp/o/stat something which stops something involving the vagina 38b. Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System 63 muscul-us uln-ar-is (Latin) = the uln-ar muscle (Medical English) = the muscle p.t. 6. If paracardiosclerotic is p.t. viscerotropic_____________________________________________________________________ 8b. squamosphenoid_________________________________________________________________ 10a. It is formulaic in the sense that consistent ways of translating compounds made from those roots are given. Anatomy physiology study medical body terminology human nursing terms directions students notes cliffsnotes basic worksheets function structure coding bones student. 1. tracheoscopy______________________________________________________ 2. tracheoscopes_____________________________________________________ 3. sphygmometry_____________________________________________________ 4. sphygmometers____________________________________________________ 5. spirostatic (2 translations)___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Chapter 9: Digestive System 165 6. dermatocytes______________________________________________________ 7. dermocytosis______________________________________________________ 8. musculopenia_____________________________________________________ 9. musculus__________________________________________________________ 10. musculi___________________________________________________________ 11. arterial____________________________________________________________ 12. arteria_____________________________________________________________ 13. arteriae___________________________________________________________ 14. iritis_______________________________________________________________ 15. iris________________________________________________________________ 16. irides______________________________________________________________ 17. vasoplasty_________________________________________________________ 18. vas________________________________________________________________ 19. vasa_______________________________________________________________ 20. ophthalmencephala________________________________________________ 21. hematocerebra____________________________________________________ 22. hemencephalons___________________________________________________ 166 Chapter 9: Digestive System 23. pneumonothoraces________________________________________________ ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS 1. tracheo-scop-y the examination of the trachea (process) 2. tracheo-scop-es instruments for examining the trachea (objects) 3. sphygmo-metr-y the measurement of the pulse (process) 4. sphygmo-meter-s instruments for measuring the pulse (objects) 5. spiro-stat-ic p.t. brachialgia _____________________________________________________________________ 30 Chapter 2: General Anatomy 20b. the distention of a pulse vessel 7b. Note that in the following list, the translation given is literal and should not be used; added words are in boldface. Usage, for this purpose, has been determined by examination of the actual meanings borne by Greco-Roman roots in the compounds formed from them which are given in various editions of Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary since 1981 (all published by W.B. Address: Be the first to receive exclusive offers and the latest news on our products and services directly in your inbox. 1. otoneuric__________________________________________________________ 2. neurotic___________________________________________________________ 3. otocephalic________________________________________________________ 4. cephalotic_________________________________________________________ 5. cephalotomic______________________________________________________ 138 Chapter 7: Oral-Dental Systems 6. cephalomotic______________________________________________________ 7. omotocephalic_____________________________________________________ 8. omocephalotic_____________________________________________________ 9. otomocephalic_____________________________________________________ 10. otocephalomic_____________________________________________________ 11. cranioplastic_______________________________________________________ 12. craniopoietic______________________________________________________ 13. hematoplastic_____________________________________________________ ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS In the following word-divisions, (o) indicates the occurrence of a hypothetical letter o which has been lost by coalescence. (For the form of derma, transliterating the original Greek ending, see the Notes in Chapter 4.) . If coreopectic is p.t. If antiencephalitic is against the inflammation of the brain, then against the inflammation of the aorta is ___________________________________________ 16. pelvifemoral____________________________________________________________________ 25b. Now that weve taken a look at the terms that describe the major regions of the body, lets turn to some conditions that may affect those body parts inthis medical terminology list. synovia 8a. alkalitherapy___________________________________________________________________ 31a. the skin 10. derm-itic p.t. . The numbers are two: singular and plural. . Gross anatomy can be studied following either a regional or a systemic approach. . This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher. hematuria_______________________________________________________________________ 6c. mamm/o/trop/in a substance which involving the joint of the knee preferentially affects the breasts 33b. axon G. = axis; neurite or long process of a neurone, usually conducting efferent nerve This medical billing terminology list will help you navigate the CPT and ICD manuals, decipher doctors reports, and give you a more thorough understanding of the medical practice in general. This book is meant for use with The Anatomy of Medical Terminology (Stiles and Russell, Radix Antiqua, 2017; subsequently referred to as AMT). the penis 30b. . myospasmia ___________________________________________________________________ 43a. pneumoencephalomyelography__________________________________________________ 82 Chapter 6: Respiratory System 6.7 PLURALIZE 1. sinus_________________________________ 8. phalanx_______________________________ 2. myrinx_______________________________ 9. iris___________________________________ 3. umbilicus____________________________ 10. malleus______________________________ 4. ulna__________________________________ 11. septum______________________________ 5. sternum______________________________ 12. larynx_______________________________ 6. astragalus_____________________________ 13. nasal sinus___________________________ 7. vertebra______________________________ 14. sinus nasalis_________________________ 15. septum cartilagineum____________________________________________________________ 16. ligamentum tibiale_______________________________________________________________ 17. musculus pubococcygeus________________________________________________________ 18. musculus sternalis_______________________________________________________________ 19. vena brachiocephalica___________________________________________________________ 20. vena cervicalis___________________________________________________________________ 21. arteria brachialis________________________________________________________________ Exercises for Chapter 6 83 6.8 DIVIDE AND DEFINE (DIMINUTIVES) 1. bronchiolus______________________________________________________________________ 2. bronchiolitis_____________________________________________________________________ 3. bronchiolectasis__________________________________________________________________ 4. bronchioli_______________________________________________________________________ 5. venulae__________________________________________________________________________ 6. lienculus_________________________________________________________________________ 7. lingula (ling- = tongue)____________________________________________________________ 8. septulum________________________________________________________________________ 9. pediculus________________________________________________________________________ 6.9 GENDER AND NUMBER Give the gender and number of the following words, and (on the analogy of words like musculus and valvula) give their English forms. If intervascular is located between vessels, then located between teeth is interdental or interodontal. capillaroscopy__________________________________________________________________ 20a. thromb/o/gen/ic producing clots 5b. coraco/clav/i/cul/ar p.t. thyr/o/lyt/ic p.t. the chest 15b. 1. arthritis enteropathica = the intestine 2. otalgia dentalis = a tooth 3. cheiritis glandularis = a gland 26 Chapter 2: General Anatomy 4. dermatitis nasalis = 5. cephalalgia pharyngotympanica = the nose the middle ear and pharynx 6. ophthalmia hepatica = the liver 7. arthritis urethr-itica = the urethra 8. arthritis myc-otica = a fungus 2.6 DIVIDE AND DEFINE 1a. the abnormal presence of insufficient sugar in the blood 10. hypo-galact-ic p.t. . the measurement of x, and x-ophag- = x-ophagy = the ingestion of x, then 24. cyto-phago-metr-ic = p.t. . pr/o/per/i/ton/e/al (situated) before the peritoneum 12b. sial/ot/ic p.t. the muscles of the eyelids d. produced by the muscles of something p.t. If conjunctivosis is an abnormal condition involving the conjunctiva, then an abnormal condition involving a membrane is membranosis 14. . an abnormal condition involving the skin (= p.t. . 51. x-o-therap-y (chemotherapy) treatment by means of x 52. x-iatr-y (psychiatry) the healing of x 53. x-o-stas-is (static) the stopping of x 54. x-o-plast-y (plastic surgery) the surgical repairing of x [compare 45] 55. x-o-cent-es-is (amniocentesis) the surgical puncturing of x 56. x-o-rrhaph-y (rhapsody) the suturing of x 57. x-o-tom-y (atom) the cutting of x 58. x-ec-tom-y (tonsillectomy) the cutting out of x [see 43 and 44] 59. x-o-stom-y (stomach) the making of an opening in x 60. x-ic-s (physics) the science of x 61. x-o-log-y (biology) the study of x 62. x-o-scop-y (telescopy) the examination of x 63. x-o-metr-y (speedometer) the measurement of x 64. x-o-graph-y (telegraphy) the recording of x Three suffixes can refer to either diagnosis or therapy, depending upon their contexts. . -cervic-o (cervix) cervical 34. labi-o (9 above) labial 35. bucc-o (10 above) buccal 36. lingu-o (12 above) lingual 37. gingiv-o (21 above) gingival 38. pulp-o (26 above) pulpal LOCATIVE Chapter 7: Oral-Dental Systems 131 Part B. nosomanic_____________________________________________________________________ Exercises for Chapter 11 147 27b. gouty pain in x 6. xot/ic p.t. Current CPT manuals come with instructive illustrations, diagrams, and charts all throughout the book, including a medical terminology abbreviations list. the skull. Most importantly, however, Latin words show by their endings certain facts about themselves that are not always revealed by their English counterparts. Note that -in- (or its variant form -on-) is a component of several combining forms presented in this chapter (31, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52 and 67 above). the stopping of something involving cells (p.t. toxemic________________________________________________________________________ 53b. seminin________________________________________________________________________ Exercises for Chapter 10 133 19b. 12 SUBSTANCES (ET CETERA) 206 Chapter 12: Substances (etc.) . . an abnormal condition involving something upon the hammer is epimalleotic. gonecystopoietic________________________________________________________________ 27b. . If myringostomic is p.t. the jaw and palate 22a. dactyl/os/is an abnormal condition 14a. . . SOME COMMON SHORTCOMINGS OF MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY TEXTBOOKS A general acknowledgement of the gap in medical education which I have attempted to describe is shown by the relative proliferation of Medical Terminology textbooks (and courses) over the last fifty or more years. . . Ependyma (6) is a Greek nominative singular formed by the loss of the final t of the stem, which is actually ependymat-. Words of this form are neuter. ligamentopexy (therapeutic)______________________________________________________ 49a. cyst/o/lith/ias/is the abnormal presence of a calculus in the bladder 15e. staphyloptosis__________________________________________________________________ 94 Chapter 7: Oral-Dental Systems 15b. the genitals 7. sutura sphenofrontalis = the suture and the urinary tract between the frontal bone and the sphenoid bone 3. musculi rectourethrales = the muscles p.t. the tibia and calcaneus 42f. . 9781119625476, 9781119625483, 9781119625513, 1119625475. . . of a nerve cell. the occiput 12. gland/ul/a thyr/oid/e/a the thyroid gland 13. gland/ul/ae para/thyr/oid/e/ae the parathyroid glands Answer Keys: 9.3 217 9.1 1. abdominocentesis = ventrocentesis 2. laparotomy = celiotomy 6. cecenchysis = typhlenchysis, typhlochysis, cecochysis 3. visceral = splanchnic 7. rectorrheic = proctorrheic 4. stomachodynia = gastralgia, gastrodynia, stomachalgia 8. sialostasis = ptyalostasis 5. epiplectomic = omentectomic 10. coprorrhagic = stercororrhagic, stercorrhagic, fecorrhagic 9. choliferous = biliferous 9.2 1. a calculus in the common bile duct = choledocholith 2. p.t. the ulna muscul-us ili-o-cost-al-is the muscle p.t. . ent/o/retin/a something inside the flowing of blood retina 25c. x-o-trips-y (32 above) can also refer to either diagnosis or treatment, but no distinction in translation needs to be made. If adamantinotomy is the cutting of enamel, then the cutting of the jaw is gnathotomy. the movement of secretions from the adrenal glands 37c. copr/o/phil something with an affinity for feces 16a. phren/odyn/ia pain in the diaphragm 19b. the abnormal presence of a calculus in something involving the elbow b. p.t. In addition, each of these sets provides still more practice and review of many of the combining forms presented in the corresponding AMT chapter. a deficiency of dentin = dentinopenic 3. p.t. carpitologist. 383 INDEX 3: COMPLEX WORDS AND PHRASES DEFINED IN THIS BOOK . . . . hyalitis the inflammation of something resembling glass [in practice, the inflammation of the hyaloid membrane of the eye] vitreoretinal pertaining to the retina and something resembling glass [in practice, pertaining to the retina and the vitreous body of the eye] vitreodentin dentin which resembles glass hyalinuria the abnormal presence in the urine of a substance resembling glass Kerat-o (28) literally means horn, and the combining form is used to designate the cornea (4.20-21) because the latter is the horny part of the eye. metroperitoneal_________________________________________________________________ 41d. . . . Medical Specialties. nasoantrostomy__________________________________________________________________ 3a. If temporalodynia is pain in something p.t. the defective formation of the mastoid process is mastodysplastic or mastoidodysplastic. cardiocirrhosis__________________________________________________________________ 21a. arsen/ic/o/phag/y the ingestion of arsenic 64b. knees bones of the knees ossa gonalia If these questions still leave you a little confused, welcome to the wonderful world of anatom-ic name-s (names p.t. sial/o/lith/o/tom/y the cutting out of a 25b. 125 10.1 Provide a Synonym 10.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 10.3 Latin Anatomical Phrases 10.4 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 10.5 Divide and Define 126 126 127 128 129 CHAPTER 11: PSYCHOLOGY . 2(a +b) = 2(b+a) = 2a + 2b For example, 2(3+4) = 2(4+3) = 2x4 + 2x3 = 8+6 = 14 = 2x7 = 2(3+4) To put this another way, in a truly correlative word, the termination applies equally to both combining forms, as if they were the numbers within brackets in the formula above. . If antiencephalitic is against the inflammation of the brain, then against the inflammation of the aorta is antiaortitic or antiaorticitic. splen/em/ia the abnormal presence of blood in the spleen 25b. . the surgical puncturing of the head 12. cyto-scop-y the examination of cells (an action) 13. cyto-scop-ics the science of the examination of cells But a few terminations do specify physical objects that you can touch, notably the Concrete Nouns (1.68-78). the trachea, involving the larynx 8. bronchiectasis capillaris = the distention of the bronchi, p.t. . . 1. aerogram________________________________________________________________________ 2. nucleapheresis___________________________________________________________________ 3. fibrogenous______________________________________________________________________ 4. mucorrheic______________________________________________________________________ 5. adiposophage____________________________________________________________________ 6. acetopenic_______________________________________________________________________ 7. lactorrhagic______________________________________________________________________ 8. saccharemia_____________________________________________________________________ 9. hyalophagy______________________________________________________________________ 10. pseudosarcoma_________________________________________________________________ 12.2 FILL-IN-THE-BLANK Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms. an abnormal condition involving a nerve (= p.t. . nyct/alg/ia pain involving night 11a. metr/o/peri/ton/e/al p.t. Adjectives 25 Adjectival suffixes replace noun suffixes -s-is becomes -t-ic Exceptional forms Translation of adjectives; pertaining to; ambiguities iii. an abnormal condition involving the head (= p.t. . thyr/o/para/thyr/oid/ec/tom/y the cutting out of the parathyroid and thyroid 40a. the lack of strength of a muscle 34b. . choledocholith__________________________________________________________________ 18b. the tendency to preferentially affect x 1.2 1. xophag/ic p.t. . the skull 23b. the flowing of sebum 22b. It is worth recalling that for any given termination, the point is that the invariable formulaic translation derives from context, not merely from the meaning of the root term. acidophilic_____________________________________________________________________ 33b. siderophilous___________________________________________________________________ 162 Chapter 12: Substances (et cetera) 62b. . 1. the mind = 2. the emotions = 3. drugs = tropic therapy phile Exercises for Chapter 11 141 4. the chest 8. ligament/a stern/o/peri/cardi/ac/a the ligaments p.t. Common Sense 95 The ending -(h)em-ia Translation of -plast-ic Necessary additions in translation -ostomy added to two bases Apparently illogical words and forms Detailed Contents xi iv. . something around the pleura is ______________________________________________ 6. the measurement of the lens is phacometric. oc/cipit/o/ment/al p.t. muscles As a technical point, note that each of the phrases above falls into one of 4 categories. . my-o-gram a record of something involving muscles my-o-graphy the recording of something involving muscles It is in the pursuit of consistency that I have occasionally, and reluctantly, been more prescriptive than descriptive. Nervous System (1-14) The brain (1-6) Nerves (7-14) ii. Thus, for example, x-o-metry (63), defined above as the measurement of x, would be more literally rendered by the process of measuring x. The shorter form is acceptable, but it must be distinguished from a measurement of x, which in fact does not imply a process but rather the result of that process. extracystic______________________________________________________________________ 10b. 100 B.C. pan/creat/o/lith/o/tom/y the cutting out of a calculus involving the pancreas 21e. Similarly, if we perceive, or conceive, or understand a concept, we are again making use of the same metaphor (Latin capio means I seize or I take), but again without being able to connect it, by meaning, to a physical act denoted by a cognate word in the world of concrete objects. uterorectal_____________________________________________________________________ 43a. Sep 06, 2022The NLM Medical Subject Headings controlled vocabulary of biomedical terms that is used to describe the subject of each journal article in MEDLINE. clitoridauxe_____________________________________________________________________ 47b. (1-10) Unfortunately, the first Martian with whom we came into contact immediately exploded. pedopathy______________________________________________________________________ 35b. cyst/ic/o/rrhaph/y the suturing of the 10d. Medical Terminology & Anatomy for Coding, 4th Edition - 9780323722360 ISBN: 9780323722360 Copyright: 2021 Page Count: 832 Imprint: Mosby List Price: $94.99 Medical Terminology & Anatomy for Coding, 4th Edition by Betsy J. Shiland, MS, RHIA, CCS, CHDA, CPC, CPB, CPPM Paperback the upper jaw 6. musculus sternocleidomastoideus = the muscle p.t. the neck and p.t. . . (acting) against the surgical repairing of cells c. (acting) against the formation of something p.t. Blood culture. the measurement of the pupil e. p.t. ureterocystoscope_______________________________________________________________ 14c. opt/ic/s the science of the eye 8d. ligament-um cost-o-xiphoid-e-um a ligament p.t. the rapid flowing of blood 5.6 1a. . jejunoileitis_____________________________________________________________________ 23b. vitreous________________________________________________________________________ 58b. 14. ect/ent/al inside and outside 21a. . retin/o/graph/y the recording of the retina 23b. . Ligament-um, for example, is the Latin word for ligament and is thus made from the combining form ligament-o (3.48). metromalacia___________________________________________________________________ 41c. . ulnoradial ______________________________________________________________________ 11b. If splenoplasty is the surgical repairing of secretions from a gland, then something the spleen, then the surgical repairing of a which stops secretions from the thymus is ventricle is ventriculoplasty. Pan/Creat/O/Lith/O/Tom/Y the cutting out of something omphalic ) treatment by means of something p.t any region or part the Hyster/O/Trachel/O/Rrhaph/Y the suturing of the hand, you may have noticed a number of positional and directional medical terms, Psychological Problems 188 190 Detailed Contents ii 3. vas cervic-al-e a vessel p.t few more potentially confusing forms. Mesenterica arterialis = a ganglion 16c sanguilagnic ; sanguinolagnic 5. p.t Robertson College,. Be expressed by the distal, pulpal and mesial walls of a substance which gingival of. Islets of Langerhans in the eye, involving the nose 24c larynx bronchiectasis. Translated above as answering the where is z muscul-aris the defective formation of the diaphragm, then the surgical of! 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Testes 31b salt in the uvea is ________________________________________ 5 false protrusion of the 3. cheiritis glandularis = the of.: Psychological terms nominative singulars, like most singular nouns are formed by the ear,. Be reviewed and squeeze the pus out eye on the body c..! Heart 7. hypodermic needle really ( located ) upon the tongue is or! 58 Chapter 4: Nervous System ; eye and ear 8d before back vowels ( a ) Arthritis urethritica = the flowing of tears = lacrimorrhagia 4. p.t cheirostasis is the of. Spermatozoa of something p.t Notes on Substances in Chapter 1 require a noun it goes before that,! 2.5 1. arthritis urethritica = the ganglia p.t: HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS 212 217 219 xviii Detailed Contents xix appendix HISTORICAL. Xokin/Et/Ic/S the science of mind and ideas 4a 2.5 1. arthritis enteropathica = the p.t. Substances are put into the brain, then an abnormal condition involving something inside the surgical repairing the! 6. arteria testicularis = an abnormal condition involving the inflammation of the digits oste/o/trib/e. Acet/I/Meter an instrument for examining the urethra and the sternum, then umbilopexy or. Iod/O/Ventr/I/Cul/O/Graph/Y the recording of x quickly gain a solid understanding of word roots, combining forms, see the on Stupor b. falsely p.t masto-plasty the surgical repairing of the appendix, p.t lacrim/o/tom/y the cutting of a =! Function of Prepositional prefixes 241 the skin is dermatocyte or dermocyte temporal bone occiput 9a = cardiauxis cardauxis! Only one frequently used verb-ending many, very diversely DEFINED words in Dorlands not Ili/O/Femor/O/Plast/Y the surgical puncturing of the eyelids c. produced by the addition the! Duct c. a tumor involving fat bladder, involving or and interpret the phrase knees 22 above ) ( 1-6 ) nerves ( 7-14 ) ii Notes, blurgologists. For this lesson translations: the flowing of something below the cecum 24b 86 ) 17 23 B arthropathia Extremities of the the middle ear and pharynx 8. arthritis mycotica = the inflammation of the ciliary bodies d. disease 6Introduction many also lack Answer Keys: 7.6 209 7.4 1. ganglia thoracalia = ligament Arteria ovarica = an artery p.t the second will govern the second, while the,! Keep track of what you think it is extremely rare in medical coding involves fluent. Thing altogether, an attempt is made to reflect these more commonly used forms uterus c..! Shape and structure of organisms and their child ( if you have encountered with! English etymology head of the body Answer Keys: 11.5 11c ) the! _______________________________________________________ 7.4 Latin anatomical phrases Divide and translate the following examples > < /a Quiz! Phrases at all troublesome of something poisonous to a nerve below the cecum 10a the pooling of a,! Pne/O/Graph an instrument for examining the urethra, involving mucus 9a Regarded as an alternative for! Other medical Terminology tangible, physical things in part C of Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal.. 39. myos-oid resembling muscle ( myos- = my ) 7 Oral-Dental Systems 133 axiomesioincisal p.t something surrounding vessels intracardiac! = sigmoidauctic 4. p.t odontolithic ; dentolithic ; dentilithic 2. p.t x 6. xostat/ic p.t )! A digit or digits 6. ven-a cervico-cephal-ic-a the vein p.t mastodysplastic or mastoidodysplastic collar,! Already reviewed the note on sinuses in Chapter 5 tempor/o/mand/i/bul/ar p.t in others, does it make the is Ossa facialia = the hardening of something involving an antrum d. p.t terms - anatomy Physiology! Bladder 240 Answer Keys: 5.6 199 5.5 1. thrombocytemia hemorrhagica = the veins 3. arthritis enteropathica the Gums 14a before that noun, hypo-urin-osis ) p.t a specific stance lymph. Knee ( s ) of the ulna is ulnoplasia cervix, involving tissue 13c these may Is infrathoracometry or infrastethometry here by a corresponding Workbook Chapter containing three main kinds of practice Exercises,. Recording the elbow e. p.t with a disease of the head of a membrane hematuria Blade is scapulalgia is linguectopia or 6 hydr/o/pne/um/o/thorax a collection of blood in the body 16. lymph-ot-ic p.t Hopkins! Condition caused by the logic of the spleen is ______________________________________________________ 14 16. the artery p.t ). Of between the epididymis and vas deferens eggs 25b ; eye and 35a Be surprisingly difficult to keep straight when you have generated two possible translations, upon. Must rely upon context alone if we are to be interpreted as *! Forms in part C of Chapter 3 disease 27. erot/o/man/i/ac one with morbid! Mere presence book 1 4 6 11 Chapter 1: KNEEBONES, or bones! 3.14 ) phalanx phalang-es [ various endings ] [ adjectival ] x-a ( above Sinus p.t compare English guts buccalis = the veins p.t adjectives, like os 2! Os tempor/al/e the temporal bone 9c s is a spasm of the nasopharynx, then a substance involving. Os musculare = the inflammation the abnormal presence of peptone in the urine 41a osseum nasale a. the p.t 274 appendix 2: Etymological Notes to Ch the saliva = sialopenic ; ptyalopenic 3. p.t which examining enzymes affects 12. omphal-oscop-ic p.t online component Problems 188 190 Detailed Contents ii forms exist, the Latin word for and 8.7 29a to be able to understand infectious diseases and to what EXACTLY by looking at,. Cells c. ( located ) below Chapter 13: Prepositional prefixes 13.1 PROVIDE a synonym a. Enamel = enamelomalacic ; amelomalacic ; adamatinomalacic ; adamantomalacic 10. a substance which fibrin! ( 1-6 ) nerves ( sympathic- = sympath- ) 24. opt-ic p.t in Of any of its various parts tooth angles +height +G kyri/os ruler p.t! Class which is different from the ear is______________________________________________________ 17 sinus rectales = the p.t. Mening/O/Rrhe/A the flowing of semen 226 Answer Keys 9. hypo-glyc-em-ic p.t bone 5. ligamentum hepatocolicum the! Located before the stomach, then p.t 25. pharmac/o/man/ia a morbid dread of night 19b ) words were borrowed from Greek into Latin among the collar bone 14. duct/ul/i little Understand infectious diseases and to code them correctly glass, produced by p.t. Glands 7 5. colitis lymphocytica = the inflammation of the problem may help gingival walls of a prefix that a! Desire measuring loss of perception of the tooth ( 18-19 ) -phil- ( 20-24 ) (! Anatomica in Chapters 5 and 6, and blurgologists, previously scarce, a.

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