what is the main disadvantage of the ethnographic method

what is the main disadvantage of the ethnographic method

For example, Mitchell Duneier (2001) has received an award for his first ethnography, Slims Table, and also numerous critical acclaims for Sidewalk. . It also provides the advantage of disproving specific ideas because of the direct observations that create data. The people who are practicing ethnography will be able to know more about the practices and culture of any group that they are studying in a better way. Being a participant observer means collecting first hand data, a part exact, recorded by technical devices as tape recorders or photo cameras, another part filtered by the ethnographer (Bourgeois, 2002). The researchers can also take notes while the subjects are observing the behavior theyre studying. Ethnography is time consuming and requires a well-trained . What is one of the key advantages of ethnographic research and participant observation? Answer with detailed reference to at least one ethnographic study. What are disadvantages of ethnographic research? PostVines - Find any answer to any questions, Top Terminal Apps for Mac [macOS] Update in 2022, How to Enable Dark Mode on Amazon App and Website Update in 2022, How to Watch 2000 Mules on Roku & other Platform, Google Assistant gains new parental controls, kid-friendly answers and voices, How to Flip Camera on Omegle [Android, iPhone, Chrome, Mac]. Read Also : The Importance of Historical Methods Pro and Cons. After having established the broad distinctive features of ethnographic studies, we can now look at the advantages and disadvantages of adopting this social research method from the perspective of the researcher itself, namely how conducting an ethnographic research influences him or her. The interviews and observations are then followed up to explore the ideas and topics that emerged over time. Ethnography is time consuming and requires a well-trained researcher. Good participant observation takes up a lot of time. Question 2. If dealing with dangerous subjects, and mainly if undergoing covert research, i.e. The 21 Correct Answer, Which of the following are disadvantages of ethnographic research? In light of these limitations, data science is being seen by many social scientists as the "new kid on the block" and many . Advantages of ethnography The main advantage of ethnography is that it gives the researcher direct access to the culture and practices of a group. Matthew Reisz examines how ethnographers can produce work that is both credible and robust. Its drawbacks include the low reliability of the collected data, limited access to certain groups, and the time required to establish trust with a subject. When conducting other types of studies, which are not based on in-situ observation or interaction, it can very easy to miss unexpected issues. The participants in an ethnographic research are affected in various ways by the admittance of the fieldworker in their social environment. Disadvantages of Ethnography research Because there is a greater insight into the user it takes much longer to generate and analyse all the findings. Let People Explain Why They Feel or Do Something. Strengths of survey research include its cost effectiveness, generalizability, reliability, and versatility. Another effect on the fieldworker discussed here is related to his or her personal safety. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. What are the main focuses of ethnographic research? It takes time to build trust with informants in order to facilitate full and honest discourse. However, the researcher who engages in such an effort should be willing to make some sacrifices in order to achieve a more lively and accurate account of how a part of society functions, this being what ethnographies offer, some would argue. Collectively qualitative research is a group of methodologies, with each approach offering a different lens though which to explore, understand, interpret or explain phenomena in real word contexts and settings. , One of the main advantages associated with ethnographic research is that ethnography can. Furthermore, despite the possible inconvenients, the work of an ethnographer can be rewarding because ethnographic studies always have at least one named author. It helps increase scientists understanding of human behavior. Thank you very much. Still, some participants may be reluctant to participate in ethnographic research. What is one of the main disadvantages of using the covert role in ethnography? Moreover, the researchers presence might also lead to an experimental bias, affecting the reliability and validity of the results obtained. Postvines is all about Tech news, Digital Marketing Tips, Entertainment, Gaming, Social Media, Business, and random news that makes you go wow! research that has not gained the full consent, and is not conducted with the full knowledge, of the participants (OReilly, 2005: 60), the safety of the fieldworker could be jeopardized, such being the case if one studies criminals or other deviant people, especially in their own environment. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using ethnography as a method of social research? It helps us understand how and why people behave differently in various societies or cultures. While participant observation has a number of advantages, it is not an ideal method of study. Nevertheless, the most complete definition of the ethnography I have encountered is the following: [E]thnography at least (in its minimal definition) is iterative-inductive research (that evolves in design through the study), drawing on a family of methods, involving direct and sustained contact with human agents, within the context of their daily lives (and cultures), watching what happens, listening to what is said, asking questions, and producing a richly written account that respects the irreducibility of human experience, that acknowledges the role of theory, as well as the researchers own role, and that views humans as part object/part subject (OReilly, 2005: 3). . openly conducted research, he or she can consent and even enjoy taking part in an ethnographic study, as Hakim and Keith do, two participants in Duneiers ethnography. 2) The subjectivity of the data is unavoidable. The cost of conducting ethnographic studies is typically much higher than conducting a usability test. 10. replicate the study. There are some advantages while doing ethnographic field work such as using holistic and contrast & comparison methods. In fact, data starts appearing on dashboards in real-time and the longitudinal nature of the data collection acts as a benefit when compared to other methods. Ethnography as a research method has certain advantages and disadvantages. Carrying out ethnographic research will involve one or more research techniques depending on the field, sample size, and purpose of the research. The term "ethnography" comes from the Greek words "ethnos" (which means "people" or "nation) and "grapho" (which means "I write"). When conducting other types of studies, which are not based on in-situ observation or interaction, it can very easy to miss unexpected issues. In order to embed yourself . Ethnographic research focuses on interpreting the world in the same way as the people being studied. Sources may not be reliable and may represent misleading facts about the events. Participant observation is closely related to the ethnographic method (or 'ethnography'), which consists of an in-depth study of the way of life of a group of people.. Ethnography is traditionally associated with anthropology, wherein the anthropologist visits a (usually) foreign land, gains access to a group (for example a tribe or village), and spends several years living with them with . The main difference between ethnography and other types of participant observation is: The primary advantage of participant observation as a research technique is that, Most ethnographic research makes considerable use of. The researchers may also conduct undisguised or disguised naturalistic observation in order to record the subjects without them knowing that theyre being studied. The grade of complexity and accuracy of the results of a social research depends on adopting the most appropriate method. For example, the respondent's answers can be affected by his reaction to the interviewer's race, class, age or physical appearance. One of the biggest advantages of Ethnography is that it helps in the field of research. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-46Vyiwat_Y, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS2DOEkorDo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEpmZDf0SMg. I Love to write Article Here that useful for our readers. In addition, participants tend to forget about the process of data collection, and associate it with interviews and questionnaires. Looking for a flexible role? Although this happens especially when the ethnographer overtly assumes the role of a participant observer, i.e. However, participants may become wary of the researcher, and their behavior might change. In addition to the qualitative data, participant observation is the best method for ethnographic research because the researcher is already a member of the group being studied. This type of research focuses on the actual lives and working practices of its participants. Unseen data can disappear during the qualitative research process. One of the main advantages associated with ethnographic research is that ethnography can help identify and analyse unexpected issues. Explanation. Ethnographers enhance the external reliability of their data by recognizing and handling five major problems: researcher status position, informant choices, social situations and conditions, analytic constructs and premises, and methods of data collection and analysis. Top Answer Update, Professional track Udacity digital marketing project 2 digital marketing, It helps people know more about other cultures. It is very difficult for another researcher to repeat or replicate any particular ethnography. These studies often convey an insiders perspective and lack the power of a standard scientific experiment. Furthermore, after collecting information, the ethnographer has to analyse it, so that to elaborate categories for the relevant social issues denoted by the subjects (Padgett, 1998). 2.1 Ethnography | Qualitative Methods | Observation | UvA, 5.2 Participant Observation and Structured Observation, Which Of The Following Is A Disadvantage Of Observation And Ethnographic Research Methods? Short-term studies are at a particular disadvantage in this regard. Which of the following is an advantage of ethnography as a research method? deductive. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKEssays.com. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ethnographic research? Ethnographic research is a method of study which involves the field observation and qualitative analysis of human behaviour. Images related to the topicQualitative Ethnography. Answer with detailed reference to at least one ethnographic study. Repeating a study in order to test. After reading Sidewalk, for example, it is desirable that people should start looking at least at the street vendors and panhandlers with different eyes, not expressing ready-made assumptions about them. Besides the ineffective attempt to change policies, ethnographies can determine the readers to think in a different manner about what is happening around them, i.e. This is what exactly called Ethnography. You can read more if you want. As a conclusion to this section of the essay, one could note that the work of an ethnographer has more disadvantages than advantages. The main disadvantage for the subjects of ethnographies is that the researcher intrudes in their lives and perturbs them. Ethnographic research may involve significant risks of harm-for example, discrimination, disruption of personal and family relationships, loss of rights or claims, civil or criminal prosecution-usually as the result of disclosure of private, identifiable information such as data gathered in interviews, filmed on video, or recorded on tape or. We will use an exemplar based on a study that used . You have just come across an article on the topic Which of the following is a disadvantage of observation and ethnographic research methods?. For example, a researcher studying BEV may observe that many speakers use rhetorical strategies, even though the phenomenon has nothing to do with BEV. Duneier (2001) emphasises in Sidewalk the importance of using the conclusions drawn from the ethnography to change policies and prejudices; apart from the measure he suggests the authorities should take, Duneier states that only by understanding the rich social organization of the sidewalk, in all its complexity, might citizens and politicians appreciate how much is lost when we accept the idea that the presence of a few broken windows justifies tearing down the whole informal structure (2001: 315). Interference with the interpretation of the data can lead to a number of headaches in trying to establish and maintain pure bracketing. What is one limitation of the ethnographic method? He uses the example of a wink. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the survey method of data collection? The 12 Latest Answer, Ethnographic research has several disadvantages to consider as well. Researcher-induced bias can influence studies, and this is particularly true with phenomenological research. Though there are strengths and limitations of ethnography and ethnographic research in marketing, the main idea is to simply observe consumer behavior, rather than interact with people. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? This method is highly effective for building rapport with research variables, but can be expensive and time-consuming. The researchers observe the lives of people in the community, including the social interactions, everyday activities, and cultural meanings of the community. One of the main advantages associated with ethnographic research is that ethnography can help identify and analyse unexpected issues. Ethnography, simply stated, is the study of people in their own environment through the use of methods such as participant observation and face-to-face interviewing. Pure Bracketing. The job of ethnographers is not just to take notes, keep a diary, and report what they see. Related searches to Which of the following is a disadvantage of observation and ethnographic research methods? It answers for the complexities of group behaviours, reveals relationships that exist among multifaceted dimensions of social interaction, and provides meaning for behaviours by examining them in their natural settings. Which of the following are disadvantages of ethnographic research? If the latter is more useful for developing strategies, the work of an ethnographer resembles more the work of a writer; its use is not often that of changing policies, one of its critiques being concerned with its lack of impact on policy-making and practice, its limited payoff in the everyday worlds of politics and work (Atkinson and Hammersley, 2007: 17). It is also useful for collecting data on a variety of topics. How SEO Services Can Boost Your Sales And Revenue Targets? One of the main advantages associated with ethnographic research is that ethnography can help identify and analyse unexpected issues. Duneier (2001) could have decided, for example, to buy and consume drugs himself, like some of the participants; this, he could have thought, would have enabled him to better understand their perspective on society. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. It requires prolonged immersion in the setting and close contact with far-out people. [1][2] autoethnography is a self-reflective form of writing used across various disciplines Having to adopt a different role than when using quantitative research methods, the researcher becomes instrumental in the process of collecting the data to be analysed (Padgett, 1998; Marshall and Rossman, 2006). It involves qualitative research and analysis of consumers' pain points and behavior. , It helps businesses learn more about their target market. What is the difference between ethnography and observation? See Page 1. The researchers may be tempted to assign all meaning to each and every act, even if it is not directly related to the studys objectives. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. This method of observation is particularly useful when the subject of the ethnographic study is vulnerable to outside influence. surveys. the ethnographic approach to the study of society has its advantages and disadvantages; some of the disadvantages can be avoided if the researcher is made aware of the risk of encountering them, I will first try to define the ethnographic studies and then analyse this approach from different perspectives, namely regarding the researcher, the participants and, respectively, the research process and, thusly, the final result, definition of the ethnography and briefly naming a few distinctive characteristics of the ethnographic approach, which basically comprises conducting interviews and doing fieldwork. which of the following is one of the problems associated with survey research, which of the following are advantages of existing sources research. What are examples of ethnographic research? The primary disadvantage of qualitative research is its over-analytical nature. What are the advantages of ethnographic research? 2. Ethnographies are based on fieldwork among the people whose culture is under study. Quick Answer, weaknesses of ethnography. Ethnographic research suffers from a lack of replicability, the ability of another researcher to repeat or. What are the advantages of ethnographic research? Although autoethnography as a research method can be an unknown and difficult tool for novice researches to use, it is an instrument through which researchers can explore and portray the culture where a phenomenon is being experienced. Because of the focus on understanding the design problem, ethnography can support usability practitioners decisions in the early stages of a user-centred design project. , Context. One of the main advantages associated with ethnographic research is that ethnography can help identify and analyse unexpected issues. It is a useful approach for learning first-hand about the behavior and interactions of people within a particular context. Ethnographers usually live with the group they are researching for several months to a year. It refers both to the process that is used to study people as well as the outcome of this process. An Update On his Health! which of the following are advantages of ethnographic research? The grade of complexity and accuracy of the results of a social research depends on adopting the most appropriate method. Limitations. One should bear in mind that there are multiple understandings of the ethnographic approach, influenced by different schools of thought (Atkinson and Hammersley, 2007). Which of the following are disadvantages of ethnographic research? Participant observation provides more flexibility with regard to qualitative research than other methods that use this approach. The problem becomes more important when the researcher is a covert participant observer. One advantage of naturalistic observation is that it can be recorded and analyzed afterwards. It should be noted that in an ethnographic research, 'the right of human subjects to privacy comes into conflict with other rights such as the right of the public to know' (Homan, 1991: 65). August 24, 2018. This helps to obtain an emic perspective of the culture. These notes can be a good way to collect data and distinguish behavioral patterns. a simple random sample is also which of the following? Your email address will not be published. Because of its subjective nature, an ethnographic study (with a skilled researcher) can be very useful in uncovering and analysing relevant user attitudes and emotions. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Fast and Easy Smart Background Checks: How to Remove Yourself? Lets explore the differences between these techniques. three perspectives from which one could look at the advantages and disadvantages of adopting an ethnographic approach to the study of society: requires sustained effort and engagement, personal safety of the researcher in peril, preciseness of the information which could be affected either by the way the researcher records information, or by the participants themselves, regarding the research process and, thus, affecting the final result, the complexity and accuracy of the information from the ethnography, covert research issues related to social identities, which leads to prejudice. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethnographic Studies. The ethnographer can also be biased by his or her own perceptions, which are often incompatible with their intended purpose. Moreover, ethnographers must obtain informed consent from the informants they interview. Before proceeding to analyse the characteristics of an ethnographic study, we should cast our attention on one general definitions of ethnography. 00:0000:00 the validity of its results is an important element of the. In order to do so, it should be noted that adopting an ethnographic approach to the study of society implies participating in a natural process which takes place in a dynamic and unforeseen reality, where people act in different and complex ways (Padgett, 1998). Weaknesses of survey research include inflexibility and lack of potential depth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Cunningham-Burley and Pavis define culture as the stock of knowledge, values, and systems of meaning shared among a community. Real Name & Face Reveal, How to Activate Crunchyroll on Smart TVs and Streaming Devices Update In 2022, Jimmy Buffett: Age, Wife, Dating, Girlfriend, Career & More Interesting Facts. For example, in ethnography, students can conduct naturalistic observations of work settings to understand the working conditions of a certain career. Quick Answer, WhatS Another Word For Hometown? Advantages and Disadvantages of Observation Method: For collecting information regarding various things surrounding us, the most common method is to observe and study the things around us.The various processes related to things should also be studied and observed. ethnography subjects are unaware theyre being studied. See some more details on the topic Which of the following is a disadvantage of observation and ethnographic research methods? Which of the following is a component of ethnographic research? Most ethnographic research makes considerable use of participant observation, usually triangulated with interviews and/or ordinary informal conversations. This method helps them overcome Hawthorne effects by becoming part of the group and passing the dead social scientist test, which asks whether the data would have been the same without the researcher. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. See This : Research Method Statistic and Application. teaching). Immersive ethnographic research often produces gripping accounts of life on the edge, but verifying such work can be problematic. The data collected is normally a lot richer and of greater depth than can be found through other experimental designs. A mobile ethnography study can be conducted using an app, an online survey, or both. It is best to carefully consider whether the study will be expensive or not. What are the disadvantages of ethnographic research? Read Also : How to Find Thesis Idea in 5 Minutes. This is achieved by explicating four roles that ethnography can . They need key informants to establish credibility and make introductions to the group. , Inflexible Design. Hi Welcome to PM Indexing. When conducting other types of studies, which are not based on in-situ observation or interaction, it can very easy to miss unexpected issues. Still, it is essential to note here that ethnography is a different approach to data collection, whereby the data collector participates himself and is no outsider. Culture must be explained in detail. Disadvantages of ethnography. The survey that was used by the researcher from the very beginning, as well as the method of administering it, cannot be changed all throughout the process of data gathering. What is the main advantage of the ethnographic method quizlet? Which of the following are disadvantages of ethnographic research?

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what is the main disadvantage of the ethnographic method