velocity documentation

velocity documentation

In the example above, the variable is $a and the value is Velocity. or An "execution scope" is essentially any directive with content (i.e. [tab]translateX: "200px", This is also true if there is an attempt to call a method or property on a null value. Reference : anything that starts with '$', String literal : something like "$foo" or 'hello'. Note that you can offset Velocity's file size by custom-building jQuery without its effects module (see jQuery on GitHub), which Velocity does not rely on. Using the notation of the form $foo[0] can be used to access a given index of an object. These standards were developed using data collected in the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study. As with complete, the begin callback is executed once per call, even if multiple elements are being animated. Cases may arise where you do not want to have a reference rendered by Velocity. If $foo is false, however, $bar must be checked. When complete, Velocity will provide template services for the Turbine web application framework. Velocity outperforms jQuery at all levels of stress, and outperforms Transit (the leading CSS animation library) beginning at medium levels of stress. If $foo is false, then !$foo evaluates to true and NOT that will be output. All software created at the Velocity project is available under the Apache Software License and free of charge for the public. stopColorRed (unitless, %) Any remainder can be obtained by using the modulus (%) operator. When using the #set directive, string literals that are enclosed in double quote characters will be parsed and rendered, as shown: However, when the string literal is enclosed in single quote characters, it will not be parsed: By default, this feature of using single quotes to render unparsed text is available in Velocity. To access these elements individually, you must iterate over the array using jQuery's $.each() or JavaScript's native .forEach(). }); Velocity's display and visibility options correspond directly to their CSS counterparts, and therefore accept the same values: display accepts "inline", "inline-block", "block", "flex", "" (empty quotes to remove the property altogether), and whatever else the browser natively supports. Velocity outperforms jQuery at all levels of stress, and outperforms Transit (the leading CSS animation library) beginning at medium levels of stress.. Supported actions: File to save stdout and stderr output of command. wordSpacing (px, %). For the task at hand, let's concern ourselves only with these three references. outlineColorGreen (unitless or %) Variables are one type of reference that can refer to something defined in the Java code, or it can get its value from a VTL statement in the web page itself. If $foo is true, the Velocity Templating Engine has no need to look at $bar; whether $bar is true or false, the expression will be true, and This OR That will be output. A value can be assigned to either a variable reference or a property reference, and this occurs in brackets, as demonstrated: The left hand side (LHS) of the assignment must be a variable reference or a property reference. The content between the #if and the #end statements become the output if the evaluation is true. Please note that it's possible to configure Velocity with other space gobbling behaviors. Sends an LLA to the flight controller. Velocity uses the same queueing logic as jQuery, and thus interoperates seamlessly with $.animate(), $.fade(), and $.delay(). This means that your #macro() declarations should come before using the Velocimacros. Velocity is a Java-based template engine. Business is thriving. You can test animations with Velocity's animation tester. [tab]/* Wait 100ms before alternating back. It can be used either as a standalone utility for generating source code and reports, or as an integrated component of other systems. The function is executed once per call, even if multiple elements are being animated at once. A Velocity call automatically returns a promise object when both A) the utility function is used and B) promise support is detected in the browser (see Browser Support below for further details). As usual, however, ensure that you're calling the UI pack effect using Velocity's utility function. ]; You then pass the sequence array into $.Velocity.RunSequence(), which will consecutively fire each call within the sequence. It features the same API as $.css(), with the modification that it takes an element as its first argument (either a raw DOM node or a jQuery object): $.Velocity.hook(element, property [, value])l: Set a hook value: $.Velocity(divs, { opacity: 0 }, { duration: 1500 }); /* Alternative single-argument syntax (ideal for CoffeeScript). */ $.Velocity.animate(element, { opacity: 0.5 }) strokeAlpha (unitless, %) y1 (px, %) *=2 The last \ is on a different line than the text because there is a newline after 'Ganelin', so the final \, preceding the #end is part of the body of the block. Like references, the name of the directive may be bracketed by a { and a } symbol. Using the notation of the form $foo[0] can be used to access a given index of an object. The default value is false. When a customer with a penchant for Bright Red Mud logs in, and Bright Red Mud is on sale, that is what this customer will see, prominently displayed. The following equations are examples of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, respectively: When a division operation is performed between two integers, the result will be an integer, as the fractional portion is discarded. The #set directive is used for setting the value of a reference. [tab]}); For example the following produces an error: In such a case, use the brackets to separate #else from the rest of the line. backgroundColorRed (unitless or %) For example, scale cannot be animated to "1.5, 2", but scaleX() and scaleY() can be simultaneously animated to those values to achieve the same effect. Time reference computed from SYSTEM_TIME. For more interesting cases, such as when you want to concatenate strings to pass to a method, or to set a new reference, just do. However, they should not be used for scuba diving, waterskiing, or other activities involving high-velocity water or submersion below shallow depth. The details of the #if and #foreach directives are covered later in this document. The source and documentation for each module is available in its repository. In Velocity the equivalent operator can be used to directly compare numbers, strings, or objects. [tab]width: "50%" $element.velocity("stop", true); Above, the initial { width: 100 } call will be instantly stopped, and the ensuing { height: 200 } will be removed and skipped entirely (it will never run). Finding no value for $vicemaniac, it will return $vicemaniac. Click here to see a comparison between jQuery and Velocity animating a dialog box. In other words, the argument to the VM is passed in in its entirety and evaluated within the VM it was passed into. If $foo is true, the Velocity Templating Engine will then check the value of $bar; if $bar is true, then the entire expression is true and This AND that becomes the output. This data can be leveraged for custom tweening and more. The following real-world demo animates the chosen number of divs using this common property map: { left: "85%", opacity: 1 } . [tab]delay: 100 [tab]mobileHA: true Sequence registration is deprecated. Can I register Velocimacros via #parse() ? skewY (deg) Web page designers concerned with making tables a standard size, but where some will not have enough data to fill the table, will find the range operator particularly useful. If you want to go from AMSL to ellipsoid height, add the value. A Vector that measures the current velocity of the body after the last Body.update. But $customer.Address can also be referring to a method (references that refer to methods will be discussed in the next section); $customer.Address could be an abbreviated way of writing $customer.getAddress(). [tab]/* 3D transforms work in non-IE browsers. Further, it streamlines the designer developer workflow by allowing them to work alongside one another in real-time. }); Pass the progress option a callback function to be repeatedly triggered througout the duration of an animation. Instead of passing in an integer, you can pass in true to trigger infinite looping: $element.velocity({ height: "10em" }, { loop: true }); Infinite loops never return promises, ignore the complete callback, and cannot be used with queue: false. 2rem (IE9+) VTL uses references to embed dynamic content in a web site, and a variable is one type of reference. character preceded by an * escape character, the reference is handled in a special way. ------------ A Huge Documentation Library. }); Above, we're passing translateX a start value of 0 since we know the element has yet to be translated (perhaps the page has just loaded). [tab].velocity({ translateX: 1000 }); Forcefeeding is invaluable in high-stress situations in which heavy DOM querying can greatly impact framerate. var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); Recursion is permitted, for example, if the template dofoo.vm contains the following lines: It would reference the template parsefoo.vm, which might contain the following VTL: After "Count down." bottom [tab]opacity: [ 0, "easeInSine", 1 ] For example, infrastructure as code helps you manage your development, testing, and production environments in a repeatable and more efficient manner. colorRed (unitless or %) Below is an example of the utility function. [tab]{ e: $element1, p: { translateX: 100 }, o: { duration: 1000 } }, borderColorGreen (unitless or %) Browser support: Back to IE8 and Android 2.3. Organizations using a DevOps model, regardless of their organizational structure, have teams that view the entire development and infrastructure lifecycle as part of their responsibilities. You can even pass the scope control reference for a specific outer scope to break execution of all scopes outward to the specified one. The #break directive stops any further rendering of the current execution scope. Online visitors won't, see this text because the Velocity Templating Engine will. Finding no value for $vicemaniac, it will return $vicemaniac. [tab]progress: function(elements, complete, remaining, start, tweenValue) { rotateY (deg) (No IE) Here is a set directive that gives $foo the value gibbous. $element In other words, elements are set to display: block Before beginning an In transition or display: none after completing an Out transition. The configured template path is used to find the Velocimacro libraries. For example, if the Java variable $foo has the value bar at the time the template is requested, bar replaces all instances of $foo on the web page. /* Using Velocity's utility function */ Here is a typical VTL if-statement: If $jazz is false, there is no output. Inside the #foreach loop, the following can be used: The maximum allowed number of loop iterations can be controlled engine-wide with [tab].velocity("fadeOut", { delay: 500, duration: 1500 }); Above, we fade an element in for 1500ms, pause for 500ms (delay: 500), then fade out for another 1500ms. context.put("D","$");) to avoid the extra #set() directive in your template(s). Note: Only carla.Vehicle actors can use this method. The microservices architecture decouples large, complex systems into simple, independent projects. If you are using an earlier version, your Velocimacros must be defined before they are first used in a template. Value [tab].velocity("transition.flipXIn") */ $svgRectangle.velocity({ Monitoring and logging practices help you stay informed of performance in real-time. identifier ( [ parameter list ] ) [ [ | alternate value ] } ]. You can view the code that powers this comparison..

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velocity documentation